Mod Tinker's Planner by tiffit_

  • Tinker's Planner by tiffit_

    Fully plan a Tinkers' Construct tool before making it!
    • 2331717
    • 119.02 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • August 23, 2021
    • January 1, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Tinker's Construct
    Tinker's Planner
Mod Information
NameTinker's PlannerAuthortiffit_DescriptionFully plan a Tinkers' Construct tool before making it!
InformationDownloads: 2331717
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 119.02 KB
Updated at: January 1, 2023
Created at: August 23, 2021
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Tinker's Construct

Tinker's Planner is an addon to Tinkers' Construct that allows you to easily preview the stats of TiCon tools with any tool parts. This mod is entirely client-side!


The main UI for the mod



This mod adds a blueprint icon to the Tinker Station and Tinker's Anvil and clicking this icon will open the Planner UI.

Blueprint icon that opens up the Planner UI

From here, you can draft out tools and view their stats.

Example tool created

You can bookmark tools you've "created" to reference later, as well as sort tool part lists by certain attributes (such as mining speed or durability). You can even generate random tool combinations for fun! 


When you're ready to create your final tool, you can "star" a bookmarked tool to pin it to the Tinker Station or Tinker's Anvil UI. From there, clicking on that tool's icon will try to automatically place the tool parts needed into the correct slots, if you have them in your inventory. It will also let you know what tool parts are missing or incorrect for completing the craft.

Showcase of "starring" a tool blueprint


This mod is also available on Modrinth!