Mod Tinkers Reforged by Mrthomas20121

  • Tinkers Reforged by Mrthomas20121

    Add new Materials to Tinkers Construct
    • 1616257
    • 2.67 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • April 18, 2020
    • June 10, 2023
    • Addons
      Tinker's Construct
    Tinkers Reforged
Mod Information
NameTinkers ReforgedAuthorMrthomas20121DescriptionAdd new Materials to Tinkers Construct
InformationDownloads: 1616257
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 2.67 MB
Updated at: June 10, 2023
Created at: April 18, 2020
Tinker's Construct

Tinkers Reforged Logo

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Tinkers Reforged add new Materials to Tinkers Construct.
You are free to use this mod in your modpack. just don't reupload the mod to another site.

1.16.5 Materials :

- Aluminum(Ore, No Tinkers Material)
- Duralumin(Molten Aluminum+Molten Copper)

- Electrical Copper(Molten Redstone + Molten Blazing Copper)

- Gausum(Molten Blazing Copper+Molten Debris+Lapis)

- Lavium(Composite of Molten Liquid souls on a cobalt tool part)

- Qivium((Composite of Molten Magna on a cobalt tool part)

 1.18.2 Materials :

- Aluminum(Ore, No Tinkers Material)
- Duralumin(Molten Aluminum+Molten Copper)

- Electrical Copper(Molten Redstone + Molten Blazing Copper)

- Gausum(Molten Blazing Copper+Molten Debris+Lapis)

- Lavium(Composite of Molten Liquid souls on a cobalt tool part)

- Qivium((Composite of Molten Magna on a cobalt tool part)

- Felsteel(Molten Blazing Copper+Molten Debris+Duralumin)

- Kepu(Ore)

- Chorus metal(Molten Chorus+Molten Shulker+Molten Kepu)

- Crusteel
- Wavy


Tinkers Reforged no longer does mod compat. Please use Materialis instead.

1.12 description :

Tinkers Reforged add new Tinkers Material based on other mods metals/gems/others.

Require Bio Library.

- Can I use it in a modpack?
You can use my mod anywhere. if you wish to repost my mods on another site, the download link must point to curseforge.

- will it be ported to 1.16?

It will be ported once tinkers is out of alpha.
- The mod crash what do i do?
you can either join my discord for help or make a github issue on the mod github

- What mods are supported?


- Can you support X mod?

make a suggestion on the mod github and i will look into it. (for ex: someone suggested pixelmon support and i added it)

- is There a list of Traits this mod add?

yes there is

- Any Other Questions?

head over to my discord :