Mod Tinkers' Integrations and Tweaks by wendall911

  • Tinkers' Integrations and Tweaks by wendall911

    Balanced Mod integrations and Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct for Modpacks
    • 622581
    • 1.33 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • April 1, 2022
    • August 9, 2023
    • Addons
      Tinker's Construct
    Tinkers' Integrations and Tweaks
Mod Information
NameTinkers' Integrations and TweaksAuthorwendall911DescriptionBalanced Mod integrations and Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct for Modpacks
InformationDownloads: 622581
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 1.33 MB
Updated at: August 9, 2023
Created at: April 1, 2022
Tinker's Construct

A collection of mod integrations and tweaks for Tinkers' Construct.


The main goal here is to not just add a bunch of random new materials from mods and call it "integration". The goal is to add materials where it makes sense, and capture the capabilities of other mods tools and armors in Tinkers' Construct. This started with Botania and wanting to have the ability to use mana generating inventory items to automatically repair tools. This entire concept has worked out well, and the idea moving forward is balanced integration.


Almost everything in the mod is datapack driven and can be overridden via datapack. Some of the mod integration abilities are hard coded to match the mod capability for the integration, which is intentional.


Will take requests for other tweaks and integrations!


Mod Integrations


  • Adds Manasteel to smeltery
  • Manasteel parts add "Mana" modifier

      * "Mana" modifer allows tools to repair with any mana generating inventory item (60 mana cost)

  • Adds Livingwood as tool part material

     * "Livingwood" modifier reduces material repair costs by 75%

  • Adds Livingstone as tool part material

     * Better stats than rock

  • Adds "Terra" upgrade modifier for primary weapons

    * Repairs weapon if any mana generating inventory item is present (100 mana cost)
    * When swung and the attack recharge meter is full, it will use 100 Mana and create a damaging Mana burst that deals 7 points (3.5 hearts) of damage to the hit mob

  • Adds "Elemental" upgrade modifier for primary weapons

    * Repairs weapon if any mana generating inventory item is present (70 mana cost)
    * 5% chance to spawn a Pixie on hit
    * Beheading chance if a Zombie, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Creeper, the Guardian of Gaia, should be implemented with similar chance to Elementium Axe

  • Adds "Terrestrial" upgrade modifier for armor as a complete "set" bonus

    * Passive generation of 1 Mana every 10 ticks on Mana Tablets
    * 20% decrease of Mana cost on all Mana-using TCon items (Can't translate to Botania items)
    * Passive regeneration of 2 health every 4 seconds if their hunger bar isn't full

  • Adds "Great Fairy" upgrade modifier for armor as a complete "set" bonus

    * 10% decrease of the Mana cost on all Mana-using TCon items (Can't translate to Botania items)
    * If the player is attacked while wearing this armor piece, there's an % chance (depends on armor piece, same as Botania) to spawn a Pixie after being attacked.
    * Pixies spawned by the wearer will inflict a random potion effect for 2 seconds: either Blindness, Wither, Slowness or Weakness.


  • Adds "Alf" upgrade modifier for primary weapons
        * Requires "Terra" upgrade modifier to upgrade

    * Adds additional repair if any mana generating inventory item is present (100 mana cost)

    * Acts as an item magnet when using interact (normal interact when holding shift)

  • Adds "Alfheim" upgrade modifier for armor

    * Requires "Terrestrial" modifier to upgrade
   * Set bonus increases armor repair rate
   * Helmet increases reach distance
   * Chestplate adds knockback resistance
   * Leggings increase run/swim speed
   * Boots increase jump height when sprinting


  • Adds tool material for Brass

    * Material has similar stats to Bronze

    * Adds "Moderate" modifier that makes the tool mine faster in moderate temperatures

  • Adds "Engineer's Goggles" ability

    * Can upgrade helmet with Engineer's Goggles, adding same functionality

  • Adds "Mechanical Arm" ability 

    * Adds ability to attack with any melee weapon in the offhand

Aquaculture 2

  • Adds Neptunium to smeltery
  • Neptunium parts add "Water Powered" modifier

    * Tools resist damage while in water

  • Adds "Poseidon" modifier for armor

    * Helmet - Improves underwater vision
    * Chestplate - Underwater breathing
    * Leggings - Weightless underwater
    * Boots - Increases swim speed

  • Adds "Siren" modifier for tools

    * Melee Weapons - Increased damage against enemies underwater
    * Harvest tools - Removes underwater mining speed penalty
    * Hoe tools - Tilled farmland will stay moist

Ars Nouveau

  • Adds Source Gem to smeltery
  • Adds new "Novice", "Mage" or "Archmage" modifier to armor

    * Uses mana to repair item
    * Provides Mana Boost enchantment based on level
    * Provides Mana Regen enchantment based on level

  • Adds "Enchanter's Shield" modifier for Chestplates

    * Upon blocking damage, the user will gain a short duration of Mana Regeneration and Spell Damage.
    * Uses mana to repair item

Alex's Mobs

  • "Roadrunner Boots" upgrade modifier - Boots

    * Adds a speed boost per level on sand

  • "Frontier Cap" upgrade modifier - Helmet

    * Adds sneak speed bonus per level while sneaking

  • "Spiked Turtle Shell" ability modifier - Helmet

    * Water breathing

  • "Bison Fur" ability modifier - Boots

    * Insulated from Snow

  • "Shield of the Deep" upgrade modifier- Chestplate

    * Gives Exsanguination effect to nearby entities when attacked
    * Increases underwater air supply when attacked

  • "Mosquito" upgrade modifier - Armor

    * Nearby players hear persistent mosquito sound
    * Nearby players get minor visual effect, no damage

  • "Crocodile" upgrade modifier - Chestplate

    * Swim speed bonus
    * Armor bonus


  • Adds Soul Stained Steel to smeltery
  • Soul Stained Steel parts add "Soul Stained" modifier

    * Adds Magic Resistance and Soul Ward Capacity to Armor items with modifier
    * Adds Magic damage to weapons and tools

  • Adds "Soul Stained" defense modifier for Armor

The Undergarden

  • Adds Cloggrum to smeltery
  • Adds Frosteel to smeltery
  • Adds Forgotten to smeltery
  • Adds "Masticate" modifier for Armor

    * Adds a scaled thorns damage effect

  • Adds "Utherium" modifier for melee weapons

    * Increases damage to Rotspawn by 1.5x

  • Adds "Froststeel" modifier for tools

    * Adds slowing effect to hit entities
    * Increased amplifier for weapons

  • Adds "Forgotten" modifier for tools

    * 1.5x speed increase for harvest tools while in the Undergarden
     * 1.5x attack damage against mobs while in the Undergarden


  • Adds EMC for Cobalt

Beyond Earth

  • Improved Tinkers' Construct support

    * Add ore smelting for Desh, Calorite and Ostrum

  • Adds "Oxegenated" material property to Desh, Calorite and Ostrum

    * When harvesting, creates an oxygen bubble around player

  • Adds "Cheesy" modifier

    * Can eat tool to restore some hunger

Oh The Biomes You'll Go

  • Adds "Pendorite" and Pendorite Alloy" to smeltery
  • Adds "Hellish" modifier to Pendorite Alloy

    * When attacking, lights target on fire for 20 seconds

Immersive Engineering

  • Adds an ability modifier "MultiVision"

    * Allows multimeter visual overlay to always be enabled


  • Tweak to Osmium material to increase stats slightly to align with Mekanism Tools
  • Adds "Kinetic" trait to Osmium material

    * When using the tool, a single energy using item gains small recharge amount

  • Adds "Glow Up" modifier

    * Adds glowing outline to hit entities, 30s per level


Smeltery Additions

  • Bronze

      * Adds back bronze block/ingot/nuggets
      * Adds alternative recipe for bronze 3 copper ingots + 1 quartz = 4 bronze ingots

  • Manasteel (see Botania)
  • Neptunium (see Aquaculture 2)
  • Source Gem (see Ars Nouveau)
  • Soul Stained Steel (see Malum)
  • Cloggrum, Froststeel, Forgotten (See The Undergarden)
  • Desh, Calorite and Ostrum (See Beyond Earth)
  • Pendorite, Pendorite Alloy (See Oh The Biomes You'll Go)



  •  Diamond & Emerald Modifiers - 1.18.1 ONLY - Added to datapack in 1.18.2

    * Ability to override max harvest level

    * Currently this is fixed and not configurable via Datapack

    * Will not properly show diamond or emerald on tool ... won't fix, this feature was temporary until 1.18.2 is released