Mod Tinkers' Rapier by sz0999312
- 297.05 KB
- 1.18.2
- August 21, 2021
- December 24, 2022
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Mod Information
Name | Tinkers' Rapier | Author | sz0999312 | Description | We brought back the Rapier! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 297.05 KB Updated at: December 24, 2022 Created at: August 21, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Tinker's Construct |
Welcome to Tinkers' Rapier.
Most players' first Rapiers in Minecraft are those added by Tinker's Construct 1&2.
The Rapiers, known for their high attack speed, armor-piercing damage and unique backward move, are loved by many players.
But in 1.16, Tinker's Construct 3, would no longer add Rapiers.
Must we say goodbye to this wonderful weapon?
Of course not! So we brought back the Rapier!
Tinkers' Rapier Mod adds Rapiers for TiC 3.
Faster than swords are, they enable you to attack rapidly.
Right-click to use backward move skill, just like using Rapiers in old TiC.
Most important, they damage enemies without chestplate much harder.
"Take the sword and get prepared for the fight."