Mod Tinkers' Survival by wendall911

  • Tinkers' Survival by wendall911

    An early game survival concept for Tinkers' Construct and Constructs' Armory.
    • 1.51 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • May 26, 2018
    • September 7, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
      Tinker's Construct
    Tinkers' Survival
Mod Information
NameTinkers' SurvivalAuthorwendall911DescriptionAn early game survival concept for Tinkers' Construct and Constructs' Armory.
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 1.51 MB
Updated at: September 7, 2023
Created at: May 26, 2018
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources
Tinker's Construct

Update: 1.18 is here!!!! And there is now a book!


Official 1.18.2 Modpack is now available!



Early game is pretty much non-existent in Minecraft. Punch a tree, craft a few items, done! This mod creates a very early game (first few nights) progression that leads directly into Tinkers' Construct tool making. If Constructs' Armory is installed (1.12.2 only), a progression into armor making as well!

Major Features

  • Vanilla and vanilla-like tools and weapons don't work for players, but are usable by NPCs and craftable for recipes.
  • All tool progression is based around Tinkers' Construct tools and weapons.
  • The only way to make wood planks is with a saw.
  • A proper harvest tool must be used. Works correctly, and configurable!
  • Crude tools are necessary to create items needed for crafting Tinkers' tools.
  • Should not conflict with major mods
  • Modpack friendly



Tinkers' Survival Guidebook


For 1.12.2 ONLY. Please don't watch this and try doing stuff in 1.18.2. Just make the book in 1.18.2 and RTFM.


There are quite a few features, be sure to check out the wiki!


Anyone interested in contributing with testing or feature planning, please message me. If messaging me after not bothering to read any of the description or read the in-game book, I'm just going to delete the message. I am interested in player interaction. Also, all requests whining about the tool enforcement mechanic ... literally, the purpose of the mod is Tinkers' Construct immersion. If you don't understand that, please just move along to some other mods that will better fit your gameplay style.


We also released the Tinkers' Survival Official Modpack! Enjoy. :)