Mod Titanium by Buuz135
- 30903291
- 606.00 KB
- 1.20.1
- February 13, 2018
- August 18, 2023
- API and Library
Mod Information
Name | Titanium | Author | Buuz135 | Description | Library for Horizon Studio |
Information | Downloads: 30903291 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 606.00 KB Updated at: August 18, 2023 Created at: February 13, 2018 | Tags | API and Library |
Titanium is a library mod which adds shared common code that all horizon mods use, this mod provides nothing of value without another mod activating it or using it.
repositories { maven { url = ""} } dependencies { compile fg.deobf('com.hrznstudio:titanium:VERSION') }