Mod Tokenable Furnaces and Storage by SkylorBeck
- 544.04 KB
- 1.19.2
- August 1, 2021
- September 28, 2022
- AutomationProcessingStorageTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Tokenable Furnaces and Storage | Author | SkylorBeck | Description | Upgradable Furnaces, Chests, and Bundles using a Token system |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 544.04 KB Updated at: September 28, 2022 Created at: August 1, 2021 | Tags | Automation Processing Storage Technology |
Fabric API
Tabbed Storage Interface!
More info:
All Netherite upgrades are blast resistant equal to Obsidian, as well as fireproof.
Netherite and Amethyst are mutually exclusive.
Bundles are +1 stack per tier instead of 2x previous tier.
Hopper upgrade tiers can be configured to move more items per tick, multiplied by the tier.
Furnaces can be configured to increase fuel efficiency in addition to speed.
!Vanilla Bundles are not craftable in 1.17
Vanilla Bundles are now craftable in this mod using the Snapshot recipe.
This mod was commissioned on Fiverr by karigane564. If you would like to commission a mod, send me an email at [email protected]