Mod Tool Kit by Sunekaer
- 3107886
- 60.25 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 21, 2019
- June 19, 2023
- MiscellaneousServer UtilityStructures
Name | Tool Kit | Author | Sunekaer | Description | Adds useful commands and improves the vanilla structure blocks - ToolKit |
Information | Downloads: 3107886 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 60.25 KB Updated at: June 19, 2023 Created at: June 21, 2019 | Tags | Miscellaneous Server Utility Structures |
Increases the size limit of the structure block and clean command has been moved to Structure Expansion
/tk devenv <boolan>
Sets GameRules "doDaylightCycle", "doMobSpawning" and "doWeatherCycle" to falseSets time to 6000 and weather to clear
Sets GameRules "doDaylightCycle", "doMobSpawning" and "doWeatherCycle" back to true
/tk hand
Prints registry name + nbt of held items/blocks in chat and copies it to clipboard
/tk hotbar
Copies registry name + nbt of all items/blocks in hotbar to clipboard
/tk inventory
Copies registry name + nbt of all items/blocks in inventory to clipboard
/tk oredist <dimension> <int>
Counts ores in given radius ( 16x16 * int ) around the player in given dimensenion and prints in the chat how many of each ore there was in the radius, and its percentes of all ores in the that radius
/tk clear <int>
Removes all vanilla blocks that isnt ores in given radius ( 16x16 * int ) around the player
/tk killAll
Removes/kills entities
/tk killAllAnimals
Kills all animals
/tk killAllExpOrbs
Kills all experience orbs
/tk killAllMonsters
Kills all monsters
Message on join
Message sent to player in chat when they join a world, message can be changed and disabled in config.
1.15.2 and below:
- Increases the size limit of the structure block from 32 to 512
- Increases the size limit of the structure block's bounding box from 64 to 128
/tk devenv <boolan>
Sets GameRules "doDaylightCycle", "doMobSpawning" and "doWeatherCycle" to falseSets time to 6000 and weather to clear
Sets GameRules "doDaylightCycle", "doMobSpawning" and "doWeatherCycle" back to true/tk hand <string>
No argument given
Prints registry name + nbt of held items/blocks in chat and copies it to clipboard
Prints registry name + nbt of held item/tk hotbar
Copies registry name + nbt of all items/blocks in hotbar to clipboard/tk inventory
Copies registry name + nbt of all items/blocks in inventory to clipboard/tk oredist <dimension> <int>
Counts ores in given radius ( 16x16 * int ) around the player in given dimensenion and prints in the chat how many of each ore there was in the radius, and its percentes of all ores in the that radius/tk clear <int>
Removes all vanilla blocks that isnt ores in given radius ( 16x16 * int ) around the player/tk structure_clean <string>
Removes all air block in the given structure file
/tk killAll
Removes/kills entities
/tk killAllAnimals
Kills all animals
/tk killAllExpOrbs
Kills all experience orbs
/tk killAllMonsters
Kills all monsters
Others:Message on join
Message sent to player in chat when they join a world, message can be changed and disabled in config.