Mod Tower Defense Units by this_is_stupid123
- 1.36 MB
- 1.19.2
- March 6, 2022
- July 11, 2022
- Mobs
Name | Tower Defense Units | Author | this_is_stupid123 | Description | Protect your base with new Tower Defense type units |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 1.36 MB Updated at: July 11, 2022 Created at: March 6, 2022 | Tags | Mobs |
Tower Defense Units is a mod that adds units as new ways of protecting your base against threats. These units all have their own unique traits and ways to be strategized.
By feeding a unit a Diamond Block, you can use the unit's ultimate power (useful if you're under attack by an invasion of mobs; the ultimate power is best used as a "last resort" against hostile mobs)
Full playlist: click!
Below is a quick list on all the units in the mod, what they do, and how to craft them:
Turret: The most basic unit in Tower Defense Units, the Turret simply shoots arrows at hostile mobs.
Ultimate Power: Shoots 2000 arrows into the sky, raining back down and hitting any nearby mobs.
To craft them, you need a dispenser, wooden fence of any kind, and smooth stone slab.
Sniping Turret: An upgrade of the Turret. Can snipe hostile mobs from up to 60 blocks away.
Ultimate Power: Shoots out a huge arrow that one-shots any non-boss hostile mob.
To craft them, you need a turret and a crossbow.
Angerer: A defensive unit which forces any nearby hostile mobs to attack it, ignoring all other targets. Can block attacks if given a shield, which is done so by sneak-right-clicking on one with a shield in hand.
Ultimate Power: Creates a forcefield around itself that repels all monsters. Inside of the forcefield, all non-monster entities are given resistance and absorption 200, making them essentially immune to all damage until the forcefield is destroyed. Forcefields have an HP of 2000, which each time a mob is repelled will decrease based on how much health the mob has.
To craft them, you need a dispenser, wooden fence of any kind, smooth stone slab, and a wooden sign.
Cata-Dynamite: A unit that flings dynamite at hostile mobs, dealing splash damage to them.
Ultimate Power: Shoots a bunch of TNT into the air onto any nearby monster. The TNT deals 30 explosion damage to the mob and any nearby hostile mobs.
To craft them, you need a smooth stone slab, redstone block, 2 sticky pistons, chest, and TNT.
Doom-Tomb: A unit which summons friendly undead mobs to help fight for you. They spawn mobs at an extremely rare rate per tick so place down a bunch of them. This unit is nocturnal; only works at night.
If you sneak-right-click the Doom-Tomb with a Totem of Undying, you can power up the Doom-Tomb, giving it the ability to summon mage undeads which can use electric and fire magic.
Ultimate Power: Calls all other Doom-Tombs to immediately spawn an undead, before summoning a Reinforced Giant. Reinforced Giants are extremely tough friendly undeads that can jump into the air, sending a shockwave that flings any nearby hostile mobs.
Reinforced Mobs (with the exception of the Reinforced Giant) do not stay forever; if a Reinforced Mob stays alive for over 60 seconds, it'll instantly die and be dragged back underground.
To craft them, you need 3 coarse dirt, 3 bones and 1 skeleton skull.
Will you port to (game version/modloader)?
Yes, ports to newer versions are coming soon. Unfortunately, I've never learned Fabric though, and code changes a lot between Minecraft versions which means if I maintained the newest version and for example, 1.12 (or 1.16, or literally any other version), content could take twice as long to be made.
When will the update be ready?
When it's ready. Modding can be painful; I may get stuck fixing a bug somewhere, porting could end up being a huge issue, anything could happen that makes specifying release dates impossible.
The game crashed! What do I do?
Thanks for reporting the crash; it's extremely important that I hear about crashes so that I can fix them in updates. But to help you, I need more information about the crash; most importantly, I need to see the crash report to figure out what happened. Create a new issue about the crash, upload your crash report to a website such as Pastebin, then link to it in your issue.
Can I put this mod in my modpack?
Absolutely! Though I ask that if you do this, you will give credit by either crediting me for the mod or leaving a link back to this page. Same goes for mob battles, mod showcases, etc.
Credit where credit's due, I would like to thank TechnoVision and TurtyWurty for their modding tutorials. Without them, this mod wouldn't be possible, and even if some of TechnoVision's information is now invalid, he still greatly helped me learn how to make Minecraft mods.
Youtube channel: Yellowbross Productions
Join the discord! - For cool updates, mod discussion, or just to chat!
Also check out these mods below for more fun!
food bosses: reheated! - pretty self explanatory; a joke-ish mod that adds giant food enemies and bosses to your game!
Illage and Spillage - My own take on an illager mod; adds not just normal illagers, but brand new illager bosses to raids!
Yellowbross's Extras - Sometimes a modder has ideas they want to make that don't fit into any of their other mods.
Have fun!