Mod Transparent Cosmetics [Fabric] by AGayCookie
- 53.52 KB
- 1.18.2
- February 28, 2021
- March 26, 2022
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Name | Transparent Cosmetics [Fabric] | Author | AGayCookie | Description | This mod let's you enjoy your skin again! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 53.52 KB Updated at: March 26, 2022 Created at: February 28, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic |
This is my first mod I've ever made for Minecraft, I've been making plugins before but I wanted to learn and experience modding too.
So after some time trying to figure out how some things work with great help from other developers, I present.. my first mod!
This mod was made with PvE in mind and can be considered very over powered on PvP servers.
So when adding this to a PvP server, make sure where you start with.
Transparent Cosmetics in a mod that adds transparent "gear" to your minecraft/modpack.
This mod uses features from Cosmetic-Armor with Trinkets.
When the items from this mod are placed inside the cosmetic slots it will hide the armor you're wearing in your armor slots.
So you can show of your skin without having to unequip your armor.
Technical Information
Mod Loader: Fabric
Minecraft version: 1.18.*
Latest Changelog
Changelogs can be viewed on my repository
Included in Mod packs
Your mod pack can be here, just let me know and share it me
Help and Support
For issues you can directly post your issues at the Github repository that you'll find under the tab "Source"
If you need more specific help or you have some questions? Feel free to join the Discord