Mod Treasure2! by gottsch
- 6447641
- 4.52 MB
- 1.12.2
- March 9, 2018
- May 2, 2023
- StorageWorld Gen
Name | Treasure2! | Author | gottsch | Description | Who doesn't like finding loot? It is always fun to find free stuff! |
Information | Downloads: 6447641 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 4.52 MB Updated at: May 2, 2023 Created at: March 9, 2018 | Tags | Storage World Gen |
Who doesn't like finding loot? It is always fun to find free stuff!
Treasure2! adds to the thrill of discovery in Minecraft. This mod adds various new and rare chests of treasure to be discovered. The chests are secured by an assortment of locks and can only be unlocked by finding the corresponding keys.
Treasure2! is the successor to my SGS Treasure! mod, which was for mc1.7.x. It is not, however, a direct port to mc1.12.x. New and different features have been added while other features have been removed.
⚠️ Requirements / Dependencies
Loot Packs and Add-ons
Official Add-ons, made by gottsch:
Treasure2: Bones - An add-on that adds new Bone themed chests, adornments, charms and more.
Treasure2: Mo'Creature Loot Pack - A DrZharks Mo'Creatures add-on, adding items into Treasure2 chests.
Treasure2: Wizardry Loot Pack - An Electroblob's Wizardry add-on, adding items into Treasure2 chests.
Treasure2: Twilight Forest Loot Pack - A Twilight Forest add-on, adding items into Treasure2 chests.
Treasure2: Artifacts Loot Pack - An Artifacts add-on, adding items into Treasure2 chests.
Treasure2: Atum 2 Loot Pack - An Atum2 add-on, adding items into Treasure2 chests.
Add-ons By Others
Spell Bundle (Electroblob's Wizardry) - A Electroblob's Wizardry addon with Treasure2 specific features (spells & artefacts). By WinDanesz
Other Mods By gottsch
DungeonBlocks (not to be confused with Minecraft Dungeon Blocks)
NEW Charms and Adornments (mc1.12.2)
1. Name: the name will appear in yellow if it is a specially charmed adornemnt. It will appear in white if a regular adornment.
2. Durability: this is how long an adornment will last (uses). It will decrement by 1 every time a charm is executed.
3. Repairs: this is the number of repairs on the adornment. Ex. R[1/1] = [remaining/max] there is 1 repair remaining for a total of 1 repairs. When repaired, the durability is reset to full.
4. Charm Max Level: the highest level of a charm that the adornment supports. Ex. 23 = any single charm must be 23 or lower. The max level is calculated by the material (iron, copper, silver, gold, etc), the gemstone and the size (standard, great).
5. Charm Name: the name includes the level of the charm. Ex. Greater Healing 16
6. Charm Mana: each charm has its own amount of mana. Different charms consume different amounts of mana per use, but the standard is 1 per use. Ex. [320/320] = [remaining/max]. This charm's mana is currently full.
7. Charm Recharges: this is the number of recharges a charm has. Ex. R[1/1] = [remaining/max] there is 1 recharge remaining for a total of 1 recharges. When recharged the mana is reset to full.
8. Charm Stackability: indicates whether the effects of a charm are stackable or that multiple of the same charm type can be applied per use. + = true, - = false. Ex. Greater Healing can be applied multiple times per use if the charm contained multiple healing charms.
9. Charm Type: indicates what type of slots the adornment has. Charms without a charm type are innate charms - these can neither be added, removed, nor recharged, they simply exist on the adornment when it was spawned. Imbue type are those that are added via a Charm book - these charms become are of the adornment. They can not be removed nor recharged. Socket type are those that are added via a Charm - these can be added, removed and recharged.
10. Charm Type Capacity: this is the number of charms per type that can be added to an adornment. Ex. [0/1] = [used/max] there are no charms currently in this type slot, with a max of 1.
11. Runestone Name: the name of the runestone. Runestones can be added and removed.
Chests of various shapes and sizes can be discovered. Each chest having a different rarity which determines the likelihood of it being generated and the quality of its treasure. Each chest can have a varying number of locks that will require the appropriate key(s) to open.
Currently implemented chests are:
- Wood Chest (Common),
- Crate (Uncommon),
- Moldy Crate (Common),
- Ironbound Chest (Uncommon),
- Pirate Chest (Scarce),
- Iron Strongbox (Scarce),
- Wither Chest (Scarce),
- Gold Strongbox (Rare),
- Safe (Rare),
- Dread Pirate Chest (Epic)
- Compressor Chest (Epic)
- Skull Chest (Scarce)
- Gold Skull Chest (Rare)
- Cauldron Chest (Epic)
- Spider Chest (Rare)
- Viking Chest (Uncommon)
- Cardboard Box (Common)
- Milk Crate (Common)
- Crystal Skull (Epic)
Chests can be discovered in Graveyards or below the graveyard in treasure Pits (think Oak Island).
🔑 Locks and Keys
NOTE: Hold the Shift key (crouch) while using a key or a lock on a chest in order to use it.
There are a variety of locks and corresponding keys that can be used to secure and unlock chests. These also have a rarity that determines the likelihood that they will be found.
Standard Lock/Keys:
- Wood (Common),
- Stone (Common),
- Leaf (Uncommon),
- Ember (Scarce),
- Iron (Uncommon),
- Gold (Scarce),
- Diamond (Rare),
- Emerald (Rare),
- Ruby (Epic),
- Sapphire( Epic),
- Spider (Scarce),
- Wither (Scarce),
Special Lock/Keys:
- Pilferer's Lock Pick (unlocks all common and uncommon),
- Thief's Lock Pick (unlocks all common, uncommon, and scarce),
- Lightning Key (unlocks all elemental locks),
- Skeleton Key (unlocks everything but epic. small limited uses),
- Metallurgist's Key (unlocks all metal locks),
- Jeweled Key (unlocks all jewel locks)
with more to come.
Key Ring
This mod introduces a lot of key items, which will take up a lot of your inventory space. Enter the Key Ring. It is an item that has an inventory to hold all your keys (and only taking up one slot). As well you can use a Key Ring on a lock and it will attempt to find and use the correct key from its inventory to open the lock. Key Rings will be a craftable item.
You can't have a good chest mod without a Mimic! So be wary, some of those chests may be more than you bargain for.
Current Mobs:
- Wood Chest Mimic
- Pirate Chest Mimic
Coins and Wishing Wells
Chests may contain silver and gold coins. You can toss the coins into a Wishing Well to receive random treasure!
Fog behaves similarly to leaves. To enable it to decay naturally you have to destroy the nearby gravestones or the Wither Tree Soul logs. Fog will then slowly decay to a "smaller" block until they disappear. To speed up the decay, you can place torches near the fog.
What would a treasure mod be without collectible treasure? So far there are only the chests themselves, the Skull Sword and the Eye Patch. I would like to add some unique items that only appear once per world.
Current Collectibles:
- Skull Sword
- Eye Patch
- Block Collection by o2xygeno
Shoot me a message if you have an idea that you would like to see as a collectible item.
Loot Tables
[Add content]
Treasure Tool Pilferer's Lock Pick Thief's Lock Pick
[iron ingot, stick, stone] [iron nugget, treasure tool] [iron ingot, treasure tool]
Key Ring Recipe Spider Key Recipe
[wood, stone, [iron key, treasure tool,
or iron key, iron ingot] glowstone dust, spider eye]