Mod Trolldom by mickelus
- 262.91 KB
- 1.20.1
- August 7, 2022
- August 14, 2023
- Adventure and RPGMagicStructures
Name | Trolldom | Author | mickelus | Description | A magic mod with roguelike elements |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 262.91 KB Updated at: August 14, 2023 Created at: August 7, 2022 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Magic Structures |
Adds four elemental shrines that generates in the world, performing certain tasks at the shrines grants elemental boons which lasts until death.
Shrines & Boons
You can check the advancements for information on where to find the shrines and how to gain the boons, once you've gained a boon you can open your inventory and place your cursor over the effect to get more information about what it does. The information below is the same as what's available in-game, except for some smaller tips.
Breaking the blocks that make up a shrine is likely to ruin the shrine, if you want to create a build around a shrine I'd suggest experimenting in creative first. You can spawn in the shrines with the /place command, type in "/place trolldom:" and you should be able to figure out the rest from the autocomplete suggestions.
Fire shrines can be found in the nether, they appear as spires that span the full height between the floor and the ceiling of the nether. The shrines can generate anywhere but will likely be easier to find in large open areas.
To gain the fire boon the player needs to find the center of the spire, there should be a gap in the central pillar surrounded by four braziers in each of the cardinal directions. Place and light flammable blocks in each of the braziers, coal blocks or something that burns for a longer duration are preferable. Bring some extra flammable blocks in case a brazier burns out before the ritual finishes, if all braziers burn out before the ritual is complete it will reset and one must start over.
The fire boon grants +30% attack speed and mining speed for 30 seconds whenever a nearby entity takes fire damage. Holds up to 7 charges, hitting an entity or breaking a block removes a charge.
Earth shrines can be found in the overworld, at the intersection of the deepslate and stone strata. The shrines are typically riddled with ore, but mining the ore is likely to ruin the shrine.
To gain the earth boon the player needs to meditate (crouch + stand still) on top of the central chunk of the shrine for a few seconds.
The earth boon grants a 4 point absorption shield, the shield replenishes after 10 seconds of not taking damage.
Note: This will likely be expanded upon later to allow the player to draw power from different types of stone while having the boon.
Water shrines can be found in deep oceans, each shrine consists of five gates laid out in a path.
To gain the water boon the player needs to swim through all five gates in under a minute.
The water boon grants +0.05 attack damage and -0.5% mining speed when attacking an entity, or the reverse when breaking blocks (triggers every 10th block). This effect stacks up to 60 times in either direction.
Air shrines can be found in mountains, badlands, hills, savannas and plains. A strong wind blows over the shrine, look at the banners around the shrine to discern the wind's direction. With proper positioning and view angle the player can ride the draft into the air or greatly propel themselves forward with an elytra.
To gain the air boon the player must ride the draft for six seconds without landing, although quickly pushing oneself off the ground after landing might slip the notice of the wind sprites.
The air boon grants +15% movement speed and the player can press ctrl + space to grant themselves the draft effect in the closest cardinal direction for a few seconds.
Licensing & use
Feel free to use this in modpacks or compilations as long as it's distributed through curseforge.
I've got a discord server over here:, jump on if you have questions, need some help or to get sneak-peeks at upcoming features.
Support and Contributions
This is a pretty new mod and I'd be super happy if you could try your best to break it as much as you possibly can and submit bug reports using the issue tracker link in the nav above.
I develop and maintain my mods in my spare time, if you enjoy what you've seen so far and want to help me to create more experiences please consider supporting me on patreon.