Mod Tweakers Construct by RCXcrafter

  • Tweakers Construct by RCXcrafter

    Tweak various values within tinkers' construct.
    • 8350824
    • 34.56 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • November 26, 2017
    • April 17, 2021
    • Addons
      Tinker's Construct
    Tweakers Construct
Mod Information
NameTweakers ConstructAuthorRCXcrafterDescriptionTweak various values within tinkers' construct.
InformationDownloads: 8350824
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 34.56 KB
Updated at: April 17, 2021
Created at: November 26, 2017
Tinker's Construct

This mod allows you to change various values in tinkers' construct from a configuration file.

It currently contains the following tweaks:

  • Change the cost of toolparts
  • Lower or raise all durability values with a percentage
  • Lower or raise all mining speed values with a percentage
  • Lower or raise all attack damage values with a percentage
  • Lower or raise all armor protecion values with a percentage
  • Modify specific stats of any material (with compatibility for Construct's Armory and Tinkers' Compendium)
  • Modify traits of any material (this tweak can act weird sometimes, it might not work)
  • Remove any tool material
  • Remove any modifier
  • Disable the invincibility of tools (disable wthis tweak if you have issues with ghost items or tools turning into sticks)

If there are any tweaks that you would like to be added, please tell me with a comment.

I also have a discord server in case you prefer to use that: Invite