Mod Ugly Scoreboard Fix by Lortseam_

  • Ugly Scoreboard Fix by Lortseam_

    Allows to modify the scoreboard sidebar
    • 27.65 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • August 15, 2020
    • June 30, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Ugly Scoreboard Fix
Mod Information
NameUgly Scoreboard FixAuthorLortseam_DescriptionAllows to modify the scoreboard sidebar
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 27.65 KB
Updated at: June 30, 2023
Created at: August 15, 2020

Ugly Scoreboard Fix offers multiple scoreboard modifications to optimize the look of the sidebar in your game. Currently it includes the following features:

- Hide the scores (red numbers on the right side):



- Hide the sidebar completely

- Configure when to hide the scores/sidebar (always, never, or only if the scores are in consecutive order)

- Manually hide the sidebar using a configurable key-binding

- Set the sidebar position (horizontal and vertical) and scale

- Change the text colors and background colors


Requires CompleteConfig to be downloaded seperately.


To configurate the mod, either use the config file at config/uglyscoreboardfix.conf or open the ingame config via Mod Menu (requires Cloth Config).


Warning: This mod is incompatible with OptiFabric, I highly recommend to not use both mods at the same time. See here for Optifine alternatives.