Mod Universal Bestiary by tyon2006

  • Universal Bestiary by tyon2006

    Learn about mobs in your world as you encounter them in a handy book.
    • 236.86 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 13, 2019
    • June 9, 2022
    • Map and Information
    Universal Bestiary
Mod Information
NameUniversal BestiaryAuthortyon2006DescriptionLearn about mobs in your world as you encounter them in a handy book.
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 236.86 KB
Updated at: June 9, 2022
Created at: January 13, 2019
Map and Information

UB Header

DiscordLines of CodeLines of code

Have you ever found an animal you didn't know and wanted to know how to breed it and if it was worth it? Have you ever fought a mob without really knowing what is it really doing? Have you ever wanted a nice checklist to see if you've encountered all mobs in your world?


If you said yes, Universal Bestiary is exactly what you need.


By combining a Book and Leather, you can make yourself your own little book that will contain pages on all mobs that can ever be found in your world. There are 3 ways of unlocking the page for a specific mob:

  • Killing it
  • Getting killed by it
  • Making a Mob Identifier and using it on the mob at close range

You can also unlock pages even if you never have touched the book or isn't carrying it. And if you loose it, you can always get a new one and it'll have all your entries already unlocked.


UB Supported Mods


Universal Bestiary supports all 46 vanilla mobs that can be seen in survival, as well as a number of mobs added by other mods, with more planned to be added. The currently supported mods are:


UB Mod Spotlight

Mod spotlight by Trikzon (outdated supported mod list in it):


You are free to suggest new mods by making a issue in the issue tracker with a link to the mod, although be aware that I already have a big todo list to go through.


UB BH Code