Mod Untamed Wilds by raytrace82
- 4303464
- 2.76 MB
- 1.20.1
- March 15, 2021
- September 23, 2023
- Adventure and RPGFoodMobsWorld Gen
Name | Untamed Wilds | Author | raytrace82 | Description | A mod that aims to make the Minecraft world a bit more alive |
Information | Downloads: 4303464 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 2.76 MB Updated at: September 23, 2023 Created at: March 15, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Food Mobs World Gen |
Untamed Wilds
Untamed Wilds is an open-source mod that aims to expand the exploration component of Minecraft through the introduction of high-quality mobs and world-gen
This mod requires Citadel and will not run without it
The 1.19.2 update has been made possible thanks to the efforts of CCr4ft3r, go check out their projects here!
General Features:
- All mobs/features are created as part of Worldgen. They also do not respawn (outside of specific circumstances and breeding/growing)
- Mobs featured in this list encompass a multitude of Species; Species are dynamically assigned to each Biome depending on its features from a list of weighted entries, providing out of the box compatibility.
- Smaller mobs can be picked up (depending on the mob) to ease their transportation, larger mobs need to be transported by using Cage Traps.
- While the default parameters aim to be "believable", a plethora of Config options allow the user to replicate Vanilla behaviours (such as breeding being triggered through the favourite item)
- A very WIP guidebook is provided through Patchouli (book + any piece of hide). Content in the book has been generated from data sourced from Wikipedia, processed through the NLTK Python library and manually edited. The book is currently broken, and entities do not correctly display
List of Mobs:
π Aardvark
Aardvarks are nocturnal animals that can be found in Savannas, where they will roam around, digging for food, occasionally finding an Aardvark cucumber, or miscellaneous junk.
Aardvarks provide an alternative source of Rabbit Hide in a biome where it can not be reliably found.
π» Bear
There are currently 8 different species of Bear, ranging from the humble Black Bear to the elusive Cave Bear. Bears can be found in Jungles and most Cold and Temperate biomes, expect to find Polar Bears in snowy biomes, Brown Bears in mountains and Black Bears in Forests
Bears are dangerous mobs, as players disturbing sleeping Bears, or trying to approach Bear cubs in the presence of an adult Bear will result in a mauling, furthermore, some of the bigger Bears may actively hunt Players for food too. Additionally, some hungry Bears may raid your chests (or any inventory) in search of food, so protect your supplies carefully.
On death, Bears drop meat, fat, bones and their fur
Baby Bears can be tamed with the following foods:
-Black Bear: Sweet Berries
-Blind Cave Bear: Raw Beef
-Brown Bear: Raw Salmon
-Cave Bear: Potatoes
-Giant Panda: Bamboo
-Polar Bear: Animal Fat
-Spectacled Bear: Apples
-Sun Bear: Honeycombs
π Big Cat
7 species of Big Cat can be found in the wild. Big Cats can be found in most Land Biomes.
Many species of Big Cat will actively hunt players if hungry enough, albeit their elusive nature should make these events rare. Furthermore, approaching Big Cat cubs will enrage their mother.
On death, Big Cats drop some bones and their fur (which can be used as Leather and/or turned into Carpets)
Baby Big Cats can be tamed with the following foods:
-Lion, Snow Leopard and Tiger: Raw Beef
-Jaguar and Leopard: Raw Porkchops
-Mountain Lion: Raw Rabbit
π¦ Hippo
The Common Hippo is currently the most dangerous animal implemented in the mod. Hippos can be found in Swamps and Savannas in herds ranging from 2 to 6 individuals.
Hippos are highly territorial and will actively attack Players (and any threatening creature) that step into water, however, do note that Hippos outside of water are much more peaceful, only attacking in retaliation.
On death, Hippos drop a sizeable amount of high-quality meat, leather, bones and animal fat
π¦ Rhino
Rhinoceros are large, horned grazers, usually found alone in Jungles, Savannas or Snowy Tundras in one out of 6 species.
Rhinos are neutral, but will attack any threatening creature that approaches it's offspring. However, their charge attacks, while devastating, can be dodged.
On death, Rhinos drop a sizeable amount of high-quality meat, leather, bones and animal fat.
Baby Rhinos can be tamed with Watermelon Slices
Hyenas are pack hunters that can be found in Savanna/Mesa biomes. While individually weak, some species will spawn in large packs.
On death, Hyenas currently drop nothing.
Baby Hyenas can be tamed with Rotten Flesh.
π Boar
3 Species of Boar can be found in Rainforests, Savannahs and Temperate Forest. Boars are the wild ancestor of Pigs, and they use their tusks for the purpose of digging up food from the ground, which makes them occasionally a menace for your crops, and to defend themselves from attackers.
Boars are an alternative source of Porkchop, Leather and Fat, but unlike the domestic Pig, they will fight back.
π Whale
6 Species of Whale can be occasionally found in deep Oceans. These giant mobs are peaceful and spend their time filter feeding in the Ocean. Whales are the largest mob featured in this mod.
On death, whales drop a large amount of Bones, Meat and Blubber, an alternative to Coal to craft torches
2 Species of Bison can be found in Plains and Forests, where they spawn in large herds. Male Bison will ocassionally charge eachother as a display of dominance, and the herd will come together to trample any potential threat to their safety.
Bison can be hunted for Beef, Leather Fat and Bones, but they will fight back.
π« Camel
3 Species of Camel can be found in the most extreme climates, coming in one and two-humped variants. Camels are even-toed ungulates especially suited to their desert habitat. They feaure an unmistakable silhouette, with their humped back, short tail, long legs and long neck.
On death, camel drop Beef, Leather Fat and Bones, but they will fight back.
π¦ Manatee
The gentle Manatee, also called "Sea Cows", is a waterbound Afrothere, and they come in 5 variants, found in shallow oceans and jungles, where they graze at Kelp and Seaweed unbothered.
On death, manatee drop bones and meat, with a certain variant also dropping blubber.
π Ocean Sunfish
2 Species of Sunfish can be found in the deeper Oceans, usually basking in the surface.
The Ocean Sunfish is a slow, passive mob, albeit it's sheer size makes it a threat to Boats if collided with. On death, Ocean Sunfish drop 1-6 Tropical Fish, providing a source of this fish outside of Tropical Biomes
π Trevally
5 Species of Trevally can be found in non-cold, non-frozen Oceans. Trevallies are schooling fish, and can be bucketed up for transportation.
While they mostly provide ambience, they drop some Fish on death.
π Arowana
6 Species of Arowana can be found in water bodies in Jungles and Swamps, including 2 rare variants. Arowana are known for jumping out of water, and can be bucketed up for transportation.
While they mostly provide ambience, they drop some Tropical Fish on death.
10 Species of Shark can be found in all oceans. While most Sharks freely swim in the ocean, 3 variants won't leave the bottom of the Ocean.
Sharks are apex predators in the Ocean, and while not openly hostile to Players, they will hunt anything that has been wounded.
π Football Fish
The Football Fish is a rare species of fish which can be found in the bottom of Deep Oceans, with one out of 3 skins. Football Fish are slow, but highly agressive hunters, and they can be identified by their rotund body and their bioluminescent lure.
Football Fish only provide ambience to an otherwise lacking part of the oceans.
π·οΈ Tarantula
8 Species of Tarantula will populate the warm biomes of Minecraft, and as Critters, can be picked up by right-clicking with an empty bottle.
Tarantulas are highly agressive against other Critters, and will even attack Tarantulas of different species (however, multiple Tarantulas can coexist if they are the same species). Tarantulas may drop a piece of String on death
π Giant Clam
4 Species of Giant Clam may be found in the seafloor of Lukewarm/Warm shallow Oceans, Giant Clams can be dug up and transported with a Shovel, albeit it may take multiple tries to do so.
Giant Clams make for good decoration for Tropical fish tanks, and have no predators. On death, Giant Clams may drop Pearls and/or Giant Pearls, these gemstones can be crafted into Blocks, sold to Fishermen villagers or they can be socketed into Tetra tools, providing minor protection
π Snake (small)
17 Species of Snakes inhabit most non-cold Biomes of Minecraft, it should be noted that this mob only represents smaller snakes. As Critters, they can be picked up by right-clicking with an empty hand.
Some species of Snake are venomous, with certain species being potentially deadly, and they will attack any mob that steps on them, so watch your steps.
π Snake (large)
2 Species of Large Snakes inhabit Jungles and Swamps, the Anaconda and the Reticulated Python, where they serve as dangerous, but lazy Apex predators of land and water. While their stats are not too threatening, they can instantly kill medium-sized prey by swallowing (excludes Players and Tamed mobs), albeit they will spend the following days resting after having eaten.
Due to their length, large snakes will adapt to height differences in the world a tiny bit.
π’ Softshell Turtle
7 Species of Softshell Turtle can be found in tropical Biomes, Rivers and Swamps, and as Critters, can be picked up by right-clicking with an empty hand.
Softshell Turtles are elusive animals, and surprisingly fast for a Turtle when in Water. They will attack fish if hungry enough, and will bask in sunlight during noon. Softshell Turtles drop 0-2 Turtle Meat pieces, which can be further crafted into Turtle Soup
π’ Tortoises (small)
6 Species of Tortoise can be found in most non-cold biomes, and as Critters, can be picked up by right-clicking with an empty hand.
Tortoises are very shy animals, and will hide in their shell when approached. Small Tortoises drop 0-2 Turtle Meat pieces, which can be further crafted into Turtle Soup
πΈ Giant Salamanders
3 Species of Giant Salamanders can be found in Rivers and Mountain pools, and can be scooped up in a bucket.
Despite their lazy appearance, Giant Salamanders are voracious predators, and will swallow whole any mob which fits in their mouth, killing it instantly.
πΈ Newt
6 Species of Newt/Salamanders can be found in Temperate biomes, and can be scooped up in a bucket.
Newts only provide some ambience in the world, however, their inclusion should make Snakes a bit less abundant
Frequently Asked Questions:
>Mod crashes on launch!
Install Citadel
Please, submit any other bug report in the associated GitHub issue tracker
>Will this mod be released to Fabric and/or [version]?
No. Other modders are welcome to do so though
>Help, I can't find any mobs
UntamedWilds mobs will only spawn during World Generation, so you will need to either explore new chunks to find mobs, or start a new world. I am looking into having alternative ways to obtain mobs in existing worlds (through Villager trading, retroGen, etc.)
>I don't like X, can it be changed/disabled?
A lot of config options are provided to tweak the mod to fit your needs. Mobs can be individually disabled, and options are provided to make mob breeding behave like vanilla.
>Does this mod work with [Biome mod] and/or [WorldGen mod]?
It should! Mobs are dynamically assigned to each Biome based on the Biome data
There is no official Discord server for this mod. Moderating/managing a sizeable Discord server might as well be a full-time job, one I'd rather not do.