Mod Vampires Need Umbrellas by Focamacho

  • Vampires Need Umbrellas by Focamacho

    An addon for Vampirism! 🧛‍♂️🌂
    • 3664087
    • 244.40 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • February 23, 2020
    • September 12, 2023
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Vampires Need Umbrellas
Mod Information
NameVampires Need UmbrellasAuthorFocamachoDescriptionAn addon for Vampirism! 🧛‍♂️🌂
InformationDownloads: 3664087
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 244.40 KB
Updated at: September 12, 2023
Created at: February 23, 2020
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Vampires Need Umbrellas LogoThis mod is an addon for Vampirism[CurseForge]


Now vampires no longer need to fear the sun! This mod adds umbrellas that protect vampires from the sun.


There are 4 types of umbrellas: Iron, Gold, Diamond and Netherite. Each of them has a different durability that can be changed in the configuration file.


And each type of umbrella is available in 16 different colors.


⭐ Features ⭐

🌂Umbrellas that grants Sun Protection

💎Configurable durability for each type of Umbrella

🐌Configurable Speed Modifiers for when using an Umbrella*

💍 Compatible with Baubles and Curios

* = Only available in 1.16.5+


❓ Frequently Asked Questions ❓

Where can I find the mod's config file?

You can find the config file inside the config folder. Consider ".minecraft" being your modpack instance folder if you are using a launcher other than minecraft official launcher.



How to remove the Slow when holding an Umbrella?

You can disable the Umbrella Speed Modifier in the config file.

Inside the file you'll se a section named "Umbrellas Speed". Set the values of this section to 0 and restart the game.


How to change the Durability of an Umbrella?

You can change the Umbrella Durabilities in the config file.

Inside the file you'll se a section named "Umbrellas Durability". Set the values of this section to whatever you want and restart the game.


How to enable the Baubles/Curios compatibility?

Go to the config file, find the "Umbrellas Mechanics" section and set the "umbrellaBauble" option to "true".


Vampires Need Umbrellas Versions