Mod VanitySlots by Nyakorita

  • VanitySlots by Nyakorita

    Vanity armor that covers your normal armor!
    • 705134
    • 60.66 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • January 19, 2022
    • June 18, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Utility & QoL
Mod Information
NameVanitySlotsAuthorNyakoritaDescriptionVanity armor that covers your normal armor!
InformationDownloads: 705134
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 60.66 KB
Updated at: June 18, 2023
Created at: January 19, 2022
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Utility & QoL



VanitySlots is a mod that adds four extra armor slots to your inventory using the Trinkets API. The armor put in these four extra slots are what gets rendered instead of the armor you are actually wearing, meaning you can wear whatever armor you want while still looking stylish.


VanitySlots also adds four extra pieces of armor meant to hide the armor you're currently wearing. These pieces of armor can be crafted by surrounding leather armor with eight pieces of glowstone dust in a crafting table.




Enemies will react to what they can see, not what armor you're wearing. If you have gold armor in a vanity slot, piglins won't attack you. If you're wearing full familiar armor and are invisible, mobs won't be able to see you unless you're close enough.


You can view a short video showcasing the features hereAstromine is used in this video to show mod compatibility.


Available on GitHub Available on CurseForge Available on Modrinth
Available for Fabric Available for Quilt Won't support Forge
Requires Fabric API Requires Cloth Config API


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