Mod Villager Names (Fabric) by YumatanGames

  • Villager Names (Fabric) by YumatanGames

    This mod will give your villagers randomly generated names, making villages more alive and immersive.
    • 5929394
    • 1.60 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • October 29, 2020
    • September 3, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Villager Names (Fabric)
Mod Information
NameVillager Names (Fabric)AuthorYumatanGamesDescriptionThis mod will give your villagers randomly generated names, making villages more alive and immersive.
InformationDownloads: 5929394
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 1.60 MB
Updated at: September 3, 2023
Created at: October 29, 2020
Adventure and RPG




If you appreciate our work and want to throw a dime or two our way, here's the link! :D


When we are playing Minecraft, we are presented to a very large amount of Mobs. Most of them are either passive or aggressive. But only two can be considered your allies. The tamed wolves and the Villagers (No, cats doesn't count. They really don't care about you).

Villagers are very useful, if not a bit dumb sometimes. We rely on them for their trades, for our automated crops and Iron Farms. But they don't have the recognition they deserve. Of course, you can name them with nametags, but is it REALISTIC? Is it IMMERSIVE?? NO!

The scope of this mod is to bring more life into your game. Every villager that spawn in your world would be given a name randomly, from a list of over 6000 names. And you can change the names to be whatever you want.
This way, every one of those big noses will be a person, not a thing. And you will feel bad when shoving them in lava because you don't like their trades. 


This mod is for the fabric mod loader and requires the fabric api. No Forge Port is planned


This eventually will be part of a bigger groups of Mods, designed to work both together and individually. So, if you like this mod, keep your eyes open for more stuff coming in the future.



  • Adds names to villagers when your server boots up for the first time
  • Adds the villager's profession to the villager's names when they get a profession (config enabled)
  • Adds a " the Child" tag to children (config enabled)
  • Adds robot names to iron golems (config enabled)
  • Allows you to format the villager names into different text styles (config enabled)
  • Allows you to customize the added villager text for a nitwit (we know they are useless. Config enabled)
  • Provides a command system for dedicated servers and a modmenu screen for integrated (singleplayer) ones
  • Removes the profession name from a villager when it turns into a zombie and gives them the Zombie tag
  • When converting back from a zombie it will change back to a normal villager + normal villager text
  • shuts the console up when a villager dies so you can do whatever you want to them without mc screaming at you (config enabled)
  • Gives you the ability to customize the text for the Wandering Trader.


Mod Showcase:



Need a server to play with friends and don't know how to setup one? Just rent an already configured one! Easy to install mods and modpacks!

Click on the picture above, or use the code enderpigeon to get 25%off your first month! Remember to select at least 3GB or more, depending on how many mods you want to use! Enjoy!!!