Mod Void Totem (Fabric) by Affehund
- 5654376
- 137.09 KB
- 1.20.1
- March 12, 2021
- June 22, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | Void Totem (Fabric) | Author | Affehund | Description | A mod that adds a totem that prevents you from dying in the void. |
Information | Downloads: 5654376 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 137.09 KB Updated at: June 22, 2023 Created at: March 12, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Player Transport Utility & QoL |
Void Totem (Fabric)
A totem that prevents you from dying in the void.
Flying around in the end with your elytra and suddenly your elytra breaks? Playing SkyBlock and falling down while building? No Problem!
Craft a Totem of Void Undying, put it in your main/-offhand and you will be teleported back to the surface, when you fall in the void.
"A must have for skyblock and modded modpacks!"
Looking for a Forge version? Click here.
#Whether the void totem should be added to the end city treasure.
add_end_city_treasure = true
#Dimensions in this blacklist will prevent the functionality of the void totem. Example: "minecraft:overworld"
blacklisted_dimensions = []
#Whether the void totem is displayed on the chest when worn in the curios charm slot (curios mod must be installed).
display_totem_on_chest = true
#Whether you get the regeneration and absorption effect on the void totem execution. This also removes all previous effects.
give_totem_effects = false
#Whether the blacklist is inverted, meaning the void totem only works in whitelisted dimensions.
is_inverted_blacklist = false
#Whether you need a totem to prevent death when falling into the void.
needs_totem = true
#This sets whether a tooltip is shown on the totem.
show_totem_tooltip = true
#The height offset from the world height you will be teleported if you can't be placed on a block.
#Range: 0 ~ 1024
teleport_height_offset = 64
#Whether you can use the void totem from anywhere in your inventory.
use_totem_from_inventory = false
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- You can use this mod in your modpack. Just don't forget about credits where needed.
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- You are not allowed to include this (or any other mods of mine) to your own mod.
- Issues and Suggestions: Please use the issue tracker at the top of this page.
- Translations: If you want to help translate the mod to other languages, go for it and make a pull request on the github.
- Videos: Feel free to make videos of the mod. Would be cool however, if you add a link to this page, and if you want you can leave a comment here, too.
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