Mod Vulcanite by Insane96MCP

  • Vulcanite by Insane96MCP

    Adding a new balanced ore found in the Nether. Tools have special abilities and Armor has special protection for hot sources (lava, fire, etc.)
    • 191.05 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • August 19, 2017
    • September 16, 2021
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
Mod Information
NameVulcaniteAuthorInsane96MCPDescriptionAdding a new balanced ore found in the Nether. Tools have special abilities and Armor has special protection for hot sources (lava, fire, etc.)
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 191.05 KB
Updated at: September 16, 2021
Created at: August 19, 2017
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources

Vulcanite : a vanilla-friendly ore centered around lava, fire, and everything hot!


Check out the Fabric version here!


IMPORTANT (2.2.1): Armor and tools are now crafted using the Smithing Table, NOT the anvil.


  • Walking on lava!
  • Hotness protection.
  • Smelt on mining.
  • A toolset that works 100% faster in the Nether.
  • Language support for English, Italian, Russian, German, and Dutch.

This mod has over 2.000.000 downloads, and we're still counting!

Full showcase on Insane's website

Mod Spotlights

Italian Mod Spotlight by Insane96! (old pre1.4)

Link to your mod spotlights / reviews in the comments so we can add them to the list!

(Original author):

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 ZimonIsHim (Current Maintainer):


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Modpack Permissions:

Feel free to use this in your modpack. Make sure to credit us appropriately! ðŸ¤—


NOTE: This mod is now (2.2.1 >) dependent on ZIHEasyModding.