Mod WAILA Plugins by tterrag1098
- 58.87 KB
- 1.10.2
- December 12, 2014
- April 8, 2017
- AddonsMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | WAILA Plugins | Author | tterrag1098 | Description | Extra WAILA info for your favorite mods! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.10.2 Size: 58.87 KB Updated at: April 8, 2017 Created at: December 12, 2014 | Tags | Addons Map and Information |
This mod adds WAILA plugins for many popular mods. The benefit of this is you are able to see information about their blocks in the WAILA HUD.
This mod requires EnderCore to run!
Currently Supported:
Blood Magic (Ported from ImLookingAtBlood, by Pokefenn)
- Capacity, LP, and tier of altars
- Progress of the altar's current craft
- Current recipe result of Chemistry set
- Progress of chemistry set
- Owner of master ritual stone
- Current ritual of master ritual stone
- Current block/item in teleposer
Flaxbeard's Steam Power [1.7 only]
- Fluids in crucibles
- Pressure percentages on gauges
- Steam amounts in tanks
- State of valve pipes
- Sapling genomes
- Pollinated leaves info
- Current bees inside apiaries/beehouses/alvearies (and genome info)
- Apiary errors (No flowers, no drone, etc.)
- Progress percentage of current breed
- RF in of engines
- Heat in engines
Magical Crops [1.7 only]
- Growth percentage and hovering icon of the product of the plant
Mekanism [1.7 only]
- Energy amount in all energy storing blocks
- Gas stored in gas storage blocks
- Fluid stored in portable tanks
- Multiplier on salination plant
- Type of factories
Pam's Harvestcraft [1.7 only]
- Adds a growth percentage to tree fruits
Railcraft [only partial support on 1.10]
- Fluid inside machines
- Locomotive information (steam, heat, charge)
- Heat information on coal burning machines
- Whether a multiblock is formed or not
- Amount of charge in blocks
- Engine production rate
RedLogic [1.7 only]
- Ported overlay rendering from the Project:Red plugin in WAILA
- Info for certain gates such as Timer, Repeater, etc.
- Strength of red alloy wires
Resourceful Crops
- Hovering icon of the product of the plant
Thermal Expansion
- Augment info
Minefactory Reloaded [1.7 only, except for DSU]
- IDeepStorageUnit statistics
- IFluidHandler information