Mod WTHIT Forge Edition by badasintended

  • WTHIT Forge Edition by badasintended

    Forge version of WTHIT, a fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila.
    • 1117431
    • 561.19 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • March 12, 2021
    • August 28, 2023
    • API and Library
      Map and Information
    WTHIT Forge Edition
Mod Information
NameWTHIT Forge EditionAuthorbadasintendedDescriptionForge version of WTHIT, a fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila.
InformationDownloads: 1117431
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 561.19 KB
Updated at: August 28, 2023
Created at: March 12, 2021
API and Library
Map and Information

What The Hell Is That? Forge Edition

License Discord

click here to get blessed by the fabric version

Requires Bad Packets

ā€œI am no longer interested in modding.ā€ - TehNut

Hwyla is šŸ¦€!!1 Now how the hell I can play Minecraft??!!1!
Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, I got you covered!

Introducing WTHIT - a fork of Hwyla by TehNut, which is a fork of Waila by ProfMobius

WTHIT is a mod that adds an ingame tooltip with information about what block (or fluid) the player is looking at.

It also has an API for other mod to add more info about their blocks.

Does it work with [insert minor version]?
    Probably. The thing on brackets for every release is the version WTHIT compiled on.
    It should work with any minor version if you want for some reason (like bruh just update)

it's A CLiEnt OnlY mod
    It's not. While some simpler feature may work in client only, more advanced stuff requires a server that has it installed.
    Feature that requires accessing NBT data (eg. inventory content) probably needs wthit on the server.

Where's the blessed description image?

Report issues on GitHub, not in the comments.
The comment section is only for telling people how blessed this mod is.