Mod Ward Blocks [FABRIC] by kwpugh

  • Ward Blocks [FABRIC] by kwpugh

    Provides various area-effect blocks as loot
    • 65.77 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • May 8, 2020
    • December 1, 2022
    • Magic
    Ward Blocks [FABRIC]
Mod Information
NameWard Blocks [FABRIC]AuthorkwpughDescriptionProvides various area-effect blocks as loot
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 65.77 KB
Updated at: December 1, 2022
Created at: May 8, 2020

Introduces six area-effect blocks that provide various benefits and perks. They CANNOT be crafted, but found in various chests across the world and dimensions.

Growth - accelerates the growth of various plants, crops, and saplings in range
Health - provides regeneration and saturation to players in range
Defense - provides strength and resistance to player's in range
Experience - Eliminates hostile mobs instantly and spawns XP orbs above block
Attack - Eliminates hostile mobs when they come in range
Loot - Like the Attack Ward but spawns various goodies above the block
All blocks are activated with a redstone signal

New in 1.18+

NEW in 1.18+

- New data driven features for the Attack, Exp, and Loot blocks, which have tag lists for each block.  This allows you to include or exclude mobs

- Loot block has 4 loot tag list to define  types: common, uncommon, rare, and very rare

- The mob and loot lists can be augmented with a simple datapack.  A sample data pack is attached to the release as additional upload.

- All tag lists can include modded and vanilla items or mobs


Various values of each block can be adjusted in the config file.