Mod Weapon Throw by dainxt
- 74.16 KB
- 1.18.2
- September 16, 2020
- May 7, 2022
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmetic
Name | Weapon Throw | Author | dainxt | Description | Throw your Axes or Swords! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 74.16 KB Updated at: May 7, 2022 Created at: September 16, 2020 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic |
About It
This mod adds the ability to throw your axes and swords. Useful if you want to finish a mob or just want to have some fun.
Same project but for Fabric:
External Spotlight
- Throw Enchantment: Increase throwing damage.
- Grounded Edge Enchantment: Chance to Apply weakness to near enemies on landing.
- Conccusion Enchantment: Chance to Apply Nausea and Slowness.
- Gravity Cursed Enchantment: Your weapon defies gravity. It will never fall until touch a block.
- Return Enchantment: Loyalty for common weapons.
- Using Fire Aspect on weapons lit near enemies.
- Throwing Physics: Well, its not so advanced.
- Configurable!: Can modify general aspects like hud charge displacement, damage, range and disable enchantments.
- Whitelist: Any item whitelisted will recieve a default damage and throwing range.
- Blacklist: Any block blacklisted cannot be destroyed.
- Tools can interact at impact, so pickaxes, shovels and axes breaks blocks based on their tier.
- Project MMO Integration: Level based throwing experience above Forge 1.16.4
- Tetra Integration: Can be applied to Tetra Weapons
Experimental Features
Most of this features are on the works or are just for curious people. As any of these can be disabled on config.
- All items can be throwed, as bonus each item will have special properties at throwing (Should be enabled above 2.7)
Use Method
Use Throw KeyBind (R by default) to launch your axes and swords!
Holding KeyBind adds more power at cost of exhaustion.
Damage Calculation
For those would like to tweak the numbers by throwing weapons.
Equations used for damage calculation.
Base Damage=Flat Weapon Damage
Base Velocity=Weapon Attack Speed
Base Exhaustion=1/(Weapon Attack Speed)
0 (No charge)≤ModularThrow≤1,0 (Fully charge)
0≤Stack Size≤64
Tool Modifier=Depends if it is an Sword, Pickaxe, Shovels, Hoes, Axes
The model for total damage and exhaustion is
Total Damage=( BaseDamage*(BaseDamageMultiplier+ModularThrow*ModifiedDamageMultiplier)+StackSize*StackModifier ) * Tool Modifier
Total Exhaustion=( BaseExhaustion*(BaseExhaustionMultiplier+ModularThrow*ModifiedExhaustionMultiplier)+StackSize*StackModifier ) * Tool Modifier
The model for total velocity
Total Velocity= ( BaseVelocity*(BaseVelocityMultiplier+ModularThrow*ModifiedVelocityMultiplier)-StackSize*StackModifier ) * Tool Modifier
Example of an Diamond Sword (Using default modifiers (5.1) and fully charged)
Base Damage = 6 Damage Points (3 Hearts)
Base Velocity = 1.6 Full Attacks/Second
Base Exhaustion = 0.63 Exhaustion Points (0.16 Half Drumsticks)
(Half Drumsticks Loss = Exhaustion Points/4)
Stack Size = 1
Tool Modifier = 1.0
Total Damage=( 6*(0.25+1.0*0.5)+1*0) * 1 = 4.5 Damage Points (2.3 Hearts)
Total Exhaustion=( 0.63*(0.075+1.0*2.0)+1*0.01) * 1 = 1.31 Exhaustion Points (0.33 Half Drumsticks)
Total Velocity= ( 1.6*(0.25+1.0*0.4)-1*0.005) * 1 = 1.04 Blocks/Tick
Community Contributions
Simplified Chinese Translations by qsefthuopq