Mod Wearable Backpacks: RLCraft Edition by fonnymunkey
- 250621
- 491.50 KB
- 1.12.2
- October 2, 2022
- December 18, 2022
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Name | Wearable Backpacks: RLCraft Edition | Author | fonnymunkey | Description | Wearable, placeable, dyeable backpacks with Bauble support. |
Information | Downloads: 250621 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 491.50 KB Updated at: December 18, 2022 Created at: October 2, 2022 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Storage |
NOTICE: This is a fork of "copygirl's Wearable Backpacks", for the original mod please go to their page, all credits go to them and their contributors.
This fork was made for RLCraft to give bauble support to backpacks and fix other issues, while it will work outside of RLCraft it will likely have issues with other mods that have specific compatibility for the original Wearable Backpacks, and you should use the original if you do not need the bauble support.
Wearable Backpacks adds simple backpacks that, rather than just opening in your inventory, have to be worn to move them and have to be placed to open them. Additionally, just like the original mod, you can dye backpacks if you want, and while wearing a backpack, other people can open your worn backpack by clicking on it from behind you. Additionally when you die, instead of the items in the backpack falling everywhere, the backpack will be placed on the ground as a block, still holding its items.
This fork deviates from the original in the following ways:
- Bauble support is added to the backpacks, allowing you to wear the backpack in the "Body" bauble slot, instead of as chest armor or in a hidden slot. This allows you to wear a backpack while still wearing a full set of armor, while requiring a tradeoff of a bauble slot for using the backpack.
- Backpacks will no longer place themselves down in water when you shift right-click the water, allowing for compatibility with mods such as SimpleDifficulty.
- Added compatibility for Lycanite's Mobs boss arena protection, to fix backpacks being voided when placed in a protected area. (Off by default)
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