Mod Werewolves - Become a Beast! by Cheaterpaul
- 1.71 MB
- 1.19.2
- November 5, 2020
- August 17, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs
Name | Werewolves - Become a Beast! | Author | Cheaterpaul | Description | Werewolf addon for Vampirism - Become a vampire! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 1.71 MB Updated at: August 17, 2023 Created at: November 5, 2020 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Magic Mobs |
join the Vampirism Discord here
Werewolves are strong and brutal with sharp teeth and claws.
Play as Werewolf:
As werewolf you can live as human at day and can unleash your strength at night. But as you are living as werewolf you can only taste fresh meat.
While transforming yourself to the ultimate werewolf you can choose which way you want to choose, you can become a fighting specialist or try a more survivalist way or remain human like.
As werewolf your fur protects you from higher damage, but you are vulnerable to attacks from silver weapons.
Like the Vampire Forest there is a new biome called Werewolf heaven where werewolves feel at home and can show their strength, even at daylight.
Install forge (recommend version)
Install Vampirism
Add this mod to your mods folder
Install GuideAPI_VP
Source: Github
Version guide
Vampirism 1.9 is required for all Werewolves 1.1.x.x versions
Vampirism 1.8 is required for all Werewolves 1.0.x.x versions
Known Incompatibilities or bugs:
- Epic Fight (The Player's werewolf model will not be shown)
Check out
This mod is highly configurable, besides several general settings you can change a ton of balance related values to your liking or disable parts of the mod you do not like.
Please direct all feedback and report all issues on the Vampirism Discord server in the comments or on Github
This mod is Open Source. The code can be found on Github under LGPL licence.
It is actively developed by cheaterpaul as much as spare time permits.
I hope you like this mod, please tell us what you like, what you would improve and what you would add!
Created by cheaterpaul
Special thanks to maxanier and RebelT