Mod What The Bucket by DarkhaxDev

  • What The Bucket by DarkhaxDev

    Fixes some bucket items not leaving an empty bucket behind when used as a recipe ingredient.
    • 9.37 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 15, 2022
    • August 20, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Server Utility
      Utility & QoL
    What The Bucket
Mod Information
NameWhat The BucketAuthorDarkhaxDevDescriptionFixes some bucket items not leaving an empty bucket behind when used as a recipe ingredient.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 9.37 KB
Updated at: August 20, 2023
Created at: June 15, 2022
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Server Utility
Utility & QoL

This mod fixes an old bug in Minecraft that would cause certain types of bucket items to be destroyed when using them as ingredients. For example the Bucket of Water will normally convert into an empty Bucket when used as an ingredient, however newer buckets such as the Bucket of Powder Snow do not and the bucket is lost. With this mod installed all affected vanilla buckets are fixed and will convert into empty Bucket items as expected.


Affected Buckets

  • Bucket of Pufferfish
  • Bucket of Salmon
  • Bucket of Cod
  • Bucket of Tropical Fish
  • Bucket of Axolotl
  • Powder Snow Bucket
  • Bucket of Tadpole





Q: How does this mod work with servers?

A: If the server has this mod installed the bug will be fixed for all connecting players, even if they do not have the mod installed or even use the vanilla client. If the mod is only installed on the client the bug will only be fixed in your single player worlds because crafting is controlled by the server.


Q: Will this fix modded buckets? Can you fix modded buckets?
A: This issue generally does not affect modded buckets. If a modded bucket is affected by this issue it has nothing to do with this mod and the author of that mod should be informed using their provided issue tracker. I may consider fixing modded buckets using this mod, but only as a last resort.



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Logo by Delapouite and licensed under CC By 3.0.