Mod Wilder World by Zink_Zink_Zink
- 426.36 KB
- 1.19
- November 30, 2021
- June 20, 2023
- BiomesMobsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Mod Information
Name | Wilder World | Author | Zink_Zink_Zink | Description | Making Minecraft's world even wilder! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19 Size: 426.36 KB Updated at: June 20, 2023 Created at: November 30, 2021 | Tags | Biomes Mobs Ores and Resources World Gen |
Making Minecraft's world even wilder!
[This is a fabric mod and requires the Fabric API]
[Outdated - new mod page out soon]
Current Content
Flower Forest :
- Various new flowers (chamomile, shelfshrooms, raging violets and birds of paradise). Why not try brewing a few new potions with some of these?
- Phosphoshoots - small fluorescent green bulbs. WIP (Currently only emit light but do not drop anything)
- Aspen and Wisteria Trees - Aspen trees are large, birches overgrown with mushrooms and topped with a flame-orange canopy of aspen leaves. Wisteria Trees are flowering trees with very long, droopy leaves and trunks which are often populated by bees
- Butterflies - ambient, flying entities. Breeding item is 16 sugar which can be given directly to a butterfly. This produces larvae which will fall and eventually hatch into new butterflies. Occasionally drop butterfly wings
- Butterfly Wing Membrane - A semi-permeable block which only filters a single type of item through. The first item that collides with it will be set as the filter, and, after that, any other items, that aren't the same as the filter, collide with it, blocked off from passing through the block. If the item is the same type as the filter then it will pass through the block.
- 3 new potions - Shelf Sense, Rage and Glowing. Gain the power to climb any block with the Shelf Sense effect, gain an advantage in combat with the Rage potion or glow with the Glowing potion.
Icy Biomes :
- Tambura* - a string instrument which changes pitch with its position in the player's hotbar. Playing it while sneaking plays chords. Looking straight down plays a minor chord, straight up plays a seventh chord and anywhere else plays a major chord.
- Tambura (Ebony Fretboard) - Produces a lower sound than the regular tambura
- Tambura (Wisteria Fretboard) - Produces a higher sound than the regular tambura
- Mint* - An extinct plant which only remains in frozen form. Drops from melting ice blocks which are placed on dirt.
- Ice Cream - comes in 3 flavours currently (chocolate, mint, sweetberry), each with its own effect. Can be placed in layers like snow and picked back up with a bowl. Layers can be eaten by sneaking and right-clicking on them.
- Chocolate Ice Cream - Grants the Spelunking effect, which makes ores emit sparkles that allow the player to find nearby ores that they might have missed without the effect. Sparkles go further the higher the effect amplifier is.
- Mint Ice Cream - Upgrades all of the player's effects by one level
- Sweetberry Ice Cream - Heals the player
- Ebony bushes - Barren shrubs which are one of the plants able to survive in the cold. Drops ebony branches.
- Doods - Very WIP entity - Will be used for creating items which need to be crafted "organically" without a crafting table - Can be spawned but has limited functionality and a broken model. It currently has a single recipe : Packed Ice -> Mint
* Recipe will change in the future once the next entity has been fully implemented
Future Plans
- Near future - developing additions to icy biomes
Near future - moist update(Will be migrated to a future mod)