Mod William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld by Cristelknight
- 1443561
- 1.46 MB
- 1.18.2
- June 4, 2021
- September 12, 2023
- Adventure and RPGBiomesWorld Gen
Name | William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld | Author | Cristelknight | Description | This mod adds close to 200 biomes and aims to make the overworld more realistic and atmospheric |
Information | Downloads: 1443561 Version: 1.18.2 Size: 1.46 MB Updated at: September 12, 2023 Created at: June 4, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Biomes World Gen |
Welcome to William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld!
This Fabric / Forge mod soughts to re-create the vanilla overworld in a way that makes a more realistic and atmospheric world.
In the 1.19 update to this mod I have gone far beyond what I ever did before, adding close to 200 new biomes to make a world infinitely more immersive than any of this mod's earlier iterations. With such a large scope, there will surely be areas where refinement is needed. If you see any such places, please give me your feedback in the comments below or even better on Discord.
For more information and a better overview, take a look at our github:
Supports large biomes (don't use the vanilla world presets, use the forceLargeBiomes option in the WWOO config).
Biomes can be disabled in banned_biomes.json5.
Has an option to only update vanilla biomes, and not to add the close to 200 new biomes.
William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld is compatible with Oh The Biomes You'll Go, Biomes O' Plenty and Promenade and Graveyard Biomes.
Terralith is only compatible, if you use the version 3.0 or higher of WWOO and enable the compatible mode. To do that either go into the config files and enable it there manually(and restart the game/server) or you can enable compatibility mode ingame if you have Modmenu(Fabric only) and Cloth Config installed. The compatible mode also requires TerraBlenderFabric or TerrablenderForge!
Check out these pictures of some biomes!
1.17 Version and below:
Check out these add-ons! (version 1.7.1 and below only)
General changes:
All rivers are deeper and wider, making them less likely to break and thus easier to use as a mode of transport across the world.
The shores of the river and the life that occurs within it are dependent on the biomes which border it.
Lava lakes and lava springs have been removed from all biomes except the Shattered Savanna Plateau.
Ravines have been removed from most biomes.
Check out the spoiler for pictures of each biome!
Badlands - a red desert with abundant tall cacti and grassy patches
Eroded Badlands
Badlands Plateau
Modified Badlands Plateau
Wooded Badlands Plateau
Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau
Birch Forest - a mixture of birch trees and autumnal oaks
Birch Forest Hills
Tall Birch Forest
Tall Birch Hills
Dark Forest - a gloomy place of dark spider-infested oaks, dead trees, marshy regions, huge mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, and strange and deadly creatures
Dark Forest Hills - a more dead and autumnal version of the dark forest with many pumpkin patches
Desert Hills
Desert Lakes - a biome of lush oases spotting the desert
Flower Forest - a fairytale realm of pink blossom acacia trees, sparse bamboo, abundant flowers and bees and pastel sheep
Forest - denser with bigger trees, made up of fancy oaks and a few dark oaks
Wooded Hills
Jungle Edge
Jungle - lowland tropical rainforest with massive trees and a wide variety of foliage
Jungle Hills
Modified Jungle - imposing terrain of varying plateaus broken by deep ravines (inspired by Skull Island from 2005 King Kong)
Modified Jungle Edge
Bamboo Jungle - Indo-Chinese inspired jungle of red sandstone
Bamboo Jungle Hills - Indo-Chinese inspired jungle of red sandstone rising to the snow level, where cedars generate
Stone Shore
Wooded Mountains
Gravelly Mountains
Modified Gravelly Mountains
Mushroom Fields
Mushroom Field Shore - a strange land like a remnant of a lost primordial world
Sunflower Plains - autumnal woods, sunflower plains, abundant pumpkin patches and harvested fields with hay block piles
Savanna - now has a variety of sub-biomes, with a mix of grass savanna and miombo woodlands, with scattered baobabs
Savanna Plateau - eroded dry landscapes jutting out of the surround savanna
Shattered Savanna - basalt outcrops emerging from a dry semi-desert with scattered bushes and baobabs, inhabited by "wart-hogs"
Shattered Savanna Plateau - active volcanic zone
Snowy Beach
Snowy Tundra - deep snow with a few scattered trees
Snowy Mountains
Ice Spikes
Snowy Taiga - more realistic, snowy under the trees and on almost all the leaves
Snowy Taiga Hills
Snowy Taiga Mountains
Swamp - Marsh, Scrub Swamp and Swamp Forest sub-biomes
Swamp Hills - larger trees than the normal swamp, somewhat like a bayou
Taiga Hills
Taiga Mountains
Giant Tree Taiga - redwoods
Giant Tree Taiga Hills - giant sequoia forest
Giant Spruce Taiga
Giant Spruce Taiga Hills - temperate rainforest
Warm Ocean - paradisaic tropical islands covered in with "cocoa-nut" trees, home to pigs, parrots and turtles and surrounded by coral reefs
Deep Ocean
Deep Cold Ocean
Frozen Ocean
Deep Frozen Ocean