Mod Wireless Crafting Terminal by TheRealp455w0rd
- 41914292
- 236.36 KB
- 1.12.2
- April 30, 2016
- November 20, 2019
- Applied Energistics 2EnergyTechnology
Name | Wireless Crafting Terminal | Author | TheRealp455w0rd | Description | An addon for Applied Energistics 2 that adds a wireless version of the Crafting Terminal |
Information | Downloads: 41914292 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 236.36 KB Updated at: November 20, 2019 Created at: April 30, 2016 | Tags | Applied Energistics 2 Energy Technology |
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Crafting Terminal
*Please check your AE2 version! Download the version here that matches your AE2 RV version.
The 1.7.10 & 1.10.2 versions of Wireless Crafting Terminal have reached EOL and are no longer supported.
Wireless Crafting Terminal
-A version of the AE2 Wireless Terminal with a 3x3 crafting table integrated
-Also includes armor slots
-Trash slot
-Infinity Booster Card Support
-Magnet Card Slot
-Baubles slots
-Wireless Universal Terminal Support
Magnet Card
-A magnet that will automatically insert items directly into your AE network
-Crouch+Right-Click to activate (not necessary in 1.10.2 v0.0.15)
-Right-click to open filter GUI
--Filter can be set to whitelist or blacklist mode
--Filter has Ignore NBT, Ignore MetaData, and Use Ore Dictionary options
**NOTE: There are 3 basic modes for the Magnet Card. After added a magnet card to a WCT Magnet Card slot, a mode button will appear in the list of config button on the left of the GUI
-JEI Integration
-Demagnetize integration
-Baubles Support
-Keybind Support
--Wireless Terminal must be in your inventory (or in a Baubles slot)
-No energy drain when in Creative
Config options
Config options moved to AE2WTLib
Do what you will, would be cool to know who is using my mod though ;)
Bug Reports
Post an issue to the GitHub Issues page. Be sure to check closed issues!
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