Mod Wither Skeleton Totem by Barribob

  • Wither Skeleton Totem by Barribob

    Makes grinding for mob drops more interesting
    • 53.83 KB
    • 1.20
    • October 30, 2019
    • June 8, 2023
    • Magic
    Wither Skeleton Totem
Mod Information
NameWither Skeleton TotemAuthorBarribobDescriptionMakes grinding for mob drops more interesting
Version: 1.20
Size: 53.83 KB
Updated at: June 8, 2023
Created at: October 30, 2019

If you believe that griding for mob drops is tedious, this mod attempts to make it more interesting using wither skeleton totems.


Overview for Fabric, Forge 1.15.2 - 1.18:

Near the totem, you are given a looting effect, the same as a looting II sword. And, if you kill any mob with a looting III sword and a totem is nearby, the total effect is looting V.


But be careful, because monsters nearby will gain strength II and speed.


These totems spawn uncommonly in the nether. Just mine the base to pick up the two totem pieces, and then construct them anywhere else.


They also can be crafted if you have a wither skeleton skull.

Fabric versions require the Fabric API


Overview for Forge 1.14.4:

Wither skeletons killed near totems will drop more loot, but be careful, because the totem also grants them with strength II. 


The looting effect is the same as killing a skeleton with a looting II sword. So, if you kill a wither skeleton with a looting III enchantment and a totem is nearby, the total effect is looting V.


These totems spawn uncommonly in the nether. Just mine the base to pick up the two totem pieces, and then construct them anywhere else.


Made for Spookyjam 2019



Installed like any other regular Fabric mod.

Dependencies (jars) that need to be in the mod folder: