Mod Wizard Staff by vemerion
- 1.70 MB
- 1.18.2
- September 7, 2020
- July 16, 2022
- Magic
Name | Wizard Staff | Author | vemerion | Description | Be a wizard! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 1.70 MB Updated at: July 16, 2022 Created at: September 7, 2020 | Tags | Magic |
Do you want to be a wizard, but you did not get into Hogwarts? Don't be sad, now you can be a wizard in Minecraft! You begin by crafting the wizard staff, like so:
You can view the inventory of the staff by equipping it, and pressing right click while crouching. Inserting different items into the staff will change what it does. Below is a list with the different effect. But beware! Using the staff drains your experience, and when you have no experience left, it will drain your health instead!
The Wizard Staff: Caves and Cliffs Update is here! Along with updating the mod to 1.18, this update also adds 8 new Caves and Cliffs related spells to the mod!
Here is a short video showcasing this update:
Click this spoiler to see information about the Bugfix Update:
The most recent update, the bugfix update, fixes a bunch of bugs and issues! In addition to that, five new bug/fix related spells were added:
* String: Climb walls
* Light gray dye: Infest stone with silverfish
* Honeycomb: Evacuate hive
* Cobweb: Shoot cobweb at enemies
* Smithing table: Repair offhand item
As always, you can get more information about all the spells from the ingame spellbook :)
Update: The minor version 1.8.1 added a new user suggested spell: Summon Evoker Fangs around the player!
Click this spoiler to see information about the Swap Update:
The most recent update, the swap update, adds two additional item slots to the Wizard Staff! Left-clicking with the staff equipped will swap between the items in the staff, making switching between spells easier! In addition to that, the update adds seven new spells.
Here is a short video showcasing this update:
Click this spoiler to see information about the Suggestions 2 Update:
The second suggestions update is here! This update adds 11 new spells, all of them suggested by you guys! Thank you so much for all the amazing ideas!
Update: The minor version 1.6.1 added another popular user suggested spell: Summon Friendly Vexes!
Here is a short video showcasing this update:
Click this spoiler to see information about the Restructuring Update:
This update adds several new 'structure themed' spells, such as instantly building a small wizard house, as well as quickly creating large walls and surfaces. In addition to this, the data-driven spell system was improved to increase the configurability of spells. Check out this link to read more about how that system works. Note that this means that there are some change to the json structure of old spells, so if you have a custom data-pack with changes to spells, you might want to look them over to make sure that they have the correct format for the latest update.
Here is a short video showcasing this update:
Click this spoiler to see information about the Spellbook Update:
This update adds six new spells:
* Bookshelf: Book generator!
* Glass Bottle: Store you exp
* Wheat Seed: De-age mobs
* Empty Map: Create map to villages
* Crafting Table: Portable crafting table
* Wizard Hat: Throw wizard hats!
This update also adds the spellbook, which is an in-game GUI, visible from the Wizard Staff GUI, where you can browse and learn about the different spells!
Here is a short video showcasing the spellbook update:
Click this spoiler to see the spells added in the Suggestions Update:
This update adds seven new spells, all of them suggested by the community!
* Blue dye: Control the weather (suggested by F2P26)
* Bricks: Surround yourself with a solid wall (suggested by CheezBallzFTW)
* Feather: Slow fall (suggested by GmodViolet)
* Fishing rod: Grappling hook! (suggested by CheezBallzFTW)
* Mycelium: Poison cloud (suggested by Cinderheart MLP)
* Shulker Shell: Shoot Shulker bullet (suggested by Dibello Mattia)
* Water Bucket: Conjure water (suggested by scarredfalconer)
In addition to the new spells, this update also makes the spell system data-driven, meaning that you can now customize a lot of different aspects about the spells via the creation of a custom data pack. You can read more about it here.
Here is a short video showcasing the suggestions update:
Click this spoiler to see the spells added in the Fashion Update:
The latest update is all about fashion! It adds three new armor sets: Warlock armor set, Druid armor set, and Wizard armor set. For every piece you have equipped, the spell xp cost is reduced by 10%. To obtain the armor sets, simply use your wizard staff on normal iron armor, gold armor, or leather armor respectively, and you will transform the mundane armor piece into a magic one. Also, these armor sets can be colored, exactly like normal leather armor can be color, allowing for endless combinations of armor pieces and colors! The image below shows the three armor sets with their default colors:
Besides the three armor sets, this update also adds third person animations for the wizard staff spells!
Here is a short video showcasing the fashion update:
Click this spoiler to see the spells added in the Nether Update:
You can now also be a wizard in 1.16! Craft your staff and bring it with you to the nether, and utilize the 10 new spell effects to navigate the treacherous dimension:
* Ghas tear: Fire immunity
* Glowstone: Detect nearby enemies
* Nether Brick: Locate Nether Fortresses
* Netherrack: Turn lava into netherrack
* Obsidian: Magic nether portal!
* Soul Sand:Creepy skeleton arms from the ground
* Wither Skull: Projectile
* Lodestone: Teleport (1.16 only)
* Gold Nugget: Piglin trading (1.16 only)
* Netherite Ingot: Create a fireproof nether staff! (1.16 only)
Here is a short video showing the 10 new spells added in the nether update:
Click this spoiler to see the spells added in the original release:
* Elytra: Flying (20 exp/sec)
* Clock: Turn time forward quickly (20 exp/sec)
* Book and Quill: Get divine insight (10 exp)
* Carved Pumpkin: Create cloud of horror (50 exp)
* Jukebox: Stun mobs around you ((40 + 20 per mob stunned) exp/sec)
* Blaze Powder: Flame thrower (20 exp/sec)
* Leather Helmet: Create Wizard Hat (30 exp)
* Egg: Store mobs (200 exp)
* Gold Ingot: King Midas (50 exp)
Here is a review made by CrazeLarious:
Here is a short video showcasing the mod: