Mod World Stripper by EwyBoy

  • World Stripper by EwyBoy

    Strips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all devs. dev ore map strip world
    • 77.43 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • September 2, 2016
    • June 9, 2023
    • Ores and Resources
      Server Utility
    World Stripper
Mod Information
NameWorld StripperAuthorEwyBoyDescriptionStrips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all devs. dev ore map strip world
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 77.43 KB
Updated at: June 9, 2023
Created at: September 2, 2016
Ores and Resources
Server Utility

If you wanna support my work, leave the mod in you modpacks after using it to test your world-gen.

The downloads support my work and help me so I can keep my mods updated.



World Stripper is a utility mod that allows you to strip away the terrain to view the underground world generation. The mod is small and lightweight and made with performance in mind. The mod clears away terrain super fast even on slow computers. Super useful if your a pack developer and need to test world gen for your pack or you just can't seem to find the ores your looking for. Pretty much a must have tool for all map-makers, pack-makers and developers.


World Stripper 3

World Stripper 3 is the only supported version of World Stripper.

World Stripper 3 was built from the ground up to improve the user experience as well as fix spaghetti that accumulated in the code after each port since 1.8 up until 1.18.

World Stripper 3 comes with a ton of new features such as:

πŸ”΄In-game config GUI
βšͺ️Reloadable config
🟒Live Stripping (No longer freezes world thread)
πŸ”΅More configurability
🟣One-click add/remove to/from strip-list
🟑Block update settings (No water pouring in)
⚽Fabric & Forge support

How To Use:

1.16.4 - World Stripper 2+ 


  • Press the DELETE key on your keyboard to strip the terrain around you.
  • Press the INSERT key on your keyboard to place the terrain back again.
  • Press the HOME key to open the in-game config.
  • Press the END key to cycle selected strip profile.
  • Press the PAGE UP key to add a block you are looking at to the current strip profile.
  • Press the PAGE DOWN key to remove a block you are looking at from the current strip profile.

(Keybindings may be changed in the settings).

1.8 to 1.16.3 - Up until World Stripper v1.7.2


  • Press the DELETE key on your keyboard to strip the terrain around you.
  • Press the INSERT key on your keyboard to place the terrain back again.
  • Press the HOME key to inspect the registry name of the block you look at & copy it to clipboard
  • Hold shift while pressing HOME to inspect the registry name + meta data & copy it to clipboard

(Keybindings may be changed in the settings).



Mapmaker / Modpack / Developer

World Stripper is also a powerful tool for map, pack or mod makers to do huge changes to the work. Below you can see a example where I replaced all the water with lava by changing the replacer block in the config from air to lava and changed the strip list to only replace water blocks.



Practical Uses:

  • Pack Developers that wants to check their underground world gen a bit easier.
  • Mod Developers that wants to check their underground world gen a bit easier.
  • Cheat to figure out where all the cords for all sweet hidden ores.
  • Visually see how things generate underground, ors-veins, custom world gen structures,strongholds etc.
  • Remove all the terrain in a x chunk radius for a building project or such.
  • Remove x block in a x chunk radius.
  • Set it to remove only blocks used by example villages and remove a village but leave the other terrain untouched.
  • Debugging.
  • Griefing


Supported Versions:

  • 1.19 [World Stripper 3.0]
  • 1.18 [World Stripper 3.0]
  • 1.17 [World Stripper 2.0]
  • 1.16 [World Stripper 2.0]
  • 1.15 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.14 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.13 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.12 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.11 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.10 [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.9   [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.8   [World Stripper 1.0]
  • 1.7   [World Stripper 0.0] made by Moze_Intel

Want to do a modspotlight? 
Just send me a link to it afterwards and I put it up here at the modpage! 

You has my permission to use this mod in any private & publicly distributed modpack whatsoever.

Live development: 
The mod is being developed live at my beam channel:

You can find me on twitter:  