Mod WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 by hexosse
- 849.46 KB
- 1.16.5
- May 2, 2020
- March 12, 2022
- Map and Information
Name | WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 | Author | hexosse | Description | This mod provides a client-side user interface for the WorldEdit plugin allowing you to see your selected region in-game in real time |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 849.46 KB Updated at: March 12, 2022 Created at: May 2, 2020 | Tags | Map and Information |
This mod provides a client-side user interface for the WorldEdit allowing you to see your selected region in-game in real-time. It allows you to work more quickly and accurately with your WorldEdit selection and is especially useful when working with Polygon, Convex Hull and Cylinder selections.
! ATTENTION ! : WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 has no relation with WorldEdit and does not include WorldEdit
Display your WorldEdit and GriefDefender selection instantly in-game
- Every single color can be customized using a new style of the options screen.
- Choose the color that fit your feeling.
- You are no longer limited to Minecraft colors. (See screenshots below)
WorldEdit selections:
GriefDefender selections:
To install the mod: Download the latest version of the WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition 3 for you forge version and copy it to your mods folder.
To use WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3, simply make a selection on a server using WorldEdit, your selection will be instantly displayed on the screen. To clear your current selection issue the command //sel
WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 include : - Chunk renderer : like the forge chunk renderer but you can fully customize any colors - Distance measurer : get in game block position
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