Mod WorldGen Block Replacer by The_Fireplace

  • WorldGen Block Replacer by The_Fireplace

    Replace blocks with other blocks during worldgen.
    • 45.12 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • February 12, 2018
    • May 27, 2022
    • Server Utility
      World Gen
    WorldGen Block Replacer
Mod Information
NameWorldGen Block ReplacerAuthorThe_FireplaceDescriptionReplace blocks with other blocks during worldgen.
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 45.12 KB
Updated at: May 27, 2022
Created at: February 12, 2018
Server Utility
World Gen

WorldGen Block Replacer is a mod that replaces blocks in your world with other blocks, which you can choose in the config. This happens when new chunks of the world are generated, and also works on preexisting worlds. By default, it does nothing. It also works with blocks added by mods.

I suggest that you do not replace any block with a block with a tile entity(furnace, piston, etc). If you do, your world will most likely become a lot slower. I am not responsible for broken worlds.


This mod can be run on a server without being installed on the client.


Configuration (1.12.2):

By default, the mod does nothing, and needs to be configured. To start off, from Minecraft's main menu, click Mods.

Next, find and click WorldGen Block Replacer, then click Config.

This brings you to the Config screen. By default, it has configuration to replace stone with stone (which does nothing). To change this, you can click any of these options to change the settings.

To read more about what an option is, mouse over the option's name.

Inside most of these options, you can set multiple options. This is because it can be configured for multiple blocks. Note that all of the options that accept multiple values must have the same number of options set, or the mod will not work.

In the above screenshot, there are 3 options set, because I am replacing 3 blocks.

On the Biome Filter and Dimension List options, each text box is a comma separated list. Do not include spaces before or after the comma. Both these options can act as a blacklist or a whitelist. If the list contains an asterisk (*), it is a blacklist. Without the asterisk, it is a whitelist. In the above example, the first replacement is set to allow all biomes (it is a blacklist with nothing blacklisted), the second replacement is set to only work in plains and forest (The start is cut off, but there is no asterisk in that option, and it only has those two biomes listed), and the third replacement will replace in all biomes except for plains.

The two options that are universal, regardless of how many blocks you are replacing, are Enable Risky Blocks and Biome Precision. Enable Risky Blocks allows the block replacer to use blocks that may cause an excessive amount of lag in the world. Biome Precision has to do with precisely detecting the edges of biomes. Enabled by default, disabling it might improve performance when loading new chunks, but the edges will be chunk-based, which is less accurate and typically looks bad if done on commonly generated blocks such as dirt, grass, or stone. This option only has an effect if your replacement is biome-restricted.

Example Config File (1.12.2)


If you have a bug or crash to report, please use the issue tracker. For feature requests, I also encourage using the issue tracker, so others can easily see what has already been requested, and more importantly, because it makes it easier to keep track of the features that have been requested. That said, if you have questions about the mod or would like to ask me about a feature request before posting it, feel free to reach out on Discord or Twitter.


Check out my other mods: