Mod Wumple Util Library by Stormwind99

  • Wumple Util Library by Stormwind99

    Shared library of useful classes and functions for mod development. Does nothing on its own. Reduces boilerplate and duplicate code. Used by Stormwind's mods.
    • 498.76 KB
    • 1.14.4
    • July 16, 2018
    • April 17, 2020
    • API and Library
    Wumple Util Library
Mod Information
NameWumple Util LibraryAuthorStormwind99DescriptionShared library of useful classes and functions for mod development. Does nothing on its own. Reduces boilerplate and duplicate code. Used by Stormwind's mods.
Version: 1.14.4
Size: 498.76 KB
Updated at: April 17, 2020
Created at: July 16, 2018
API and Library

Shared library of useful classes and functions for mod development. Does nothing on its own - you will see nothing new in-game with this mod alone.

Reduces boilerplate and duplicate code. Used by Stormwind's mods.

Features include:

  • MatchingConfig classes to help make a mod highly configurable in relation to things in game
  • A BaseChest class based on vanilla Minecraft's chest, from which to derive new chest types
  • An adapter set, IThing, for basic use of ItemStack, Entity, and TileEntity instances via a single interface
  • Map manipulation library
  • Client/Server proxy bases classes derived from Choonster's TestMod3
  • Container capability listeners derived from Choonster's TestMod3
  • BlockRepair library derived from Corosus' CoroUtil
  • Many more utility classes
  • My mods

    • Food Funk - What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.
    • Canny Composter - Compost more stuff! Turn excess organic material and rotted food into nutrients for plants.
    • Mega Map - Cartographers rejoice! Mega zoomed out maps - scales of 5 aka 1:32 and greater!
    • Web Slinger - Spiders shoot webbing at you - slinging webs from a distance, or when they hit you in melee!
    • Pantography - Copy Map item data to other Maps including different scale Maps.
    • Palimpsest - Erase Maps and Books for reuse by rubbing with Redstone Dust.
    • Flourishing Foliage - Can't keep a tree down! Tree leaves regrow outward after harvesting if enough tree trunk is left.
    • Saplings to Sticks - Strip saplings to get sticks. That's it - nothing more.
    • Daring Debug -  Do you DARE to see extra debug information?  Includes TileEntity and Tag information.