Mod YetAnotherConfigLib by XanderIsDev

  • YetAnotherConfigLib by XanderIsDev

    A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft.
    • 4484877
    • 940.61 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • September 2, 2022
    • September 27, 2023
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NameYetAnotherConfigLibAuthorXanderIsDevDescriptionA builder-based configuration library for Minecraft.
InformationDownloads: 4484877
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 940.61 KB
Updated at: September 27, 2023
Created at: September 2, 2022
API and Library


Enviroment Java 17 Discord


Yet Another Config Lib, like, what were you expecting?

Why does this mod even exist?

This mod was made to fill a hole in this area of Fabric modding. The existing main config libraries don't achieve what I want from them:

  • Cloth Config API: It's stale. The developer of cloth has clarified that they are likely not going to add any more features. They don't want to touch it.
  • SpruceUI: It isn't designed for configuration. In this essence the design feels cluttered. Further details available in this issue.
  • MidnightLib: It's mostly bloat and doesn't have a focus on config. This library includes other unwanted features such as cosmetics.
  • OwoLib: It's content focused. Like MidnightLib, it does a lot of other things as well, adding to the size.

As you can see, there's sadly a drawback with all of them and this is where YetAnotherConfigLib comes in.

How is YACL better?

YACL has the favour of hindsight. Whilst developing this fresh library, I can make sure that it does everything right:

  • It's just a config library. YACL contains no other features, just config screen generation.
  • It's lightweight. YACL leaves managing your config up to you, it doesn't contain an alternative to AutoConfig or similar. (Can be paired with my other library, Settxi, for this feature)
  • Easy API. YACL takes inspiration from Sodium's internal configuration library.
  • It's styled to fit in Minecraft. YACL's GUI is designed to fit right in.


The wiki contains a full documentation on how to use YACL.




This mod is under the GNU Lesser General Public License, v3.0.