Mod Zetter — Painting Mod by dantaeusb
- 1.27 MB
- 1.20
- April 4, 2021
- June 17, 2023
- Cosmetic
Name | Zetter — Painting Mod | Author | dantaeusb | Description | Create own paintings in Minecraft |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20 Size: 1.27 MB Updated at: June 17, 2023 Created at: April 4, 2021 | Tags | Cosmetic |
Zetter is a Minecraft mod with a simple goal of adding custom drawing interface to create custom paintings in Minecraft
Wiki with instructions and recipes:
Download paintings with Gallery add-on and share your paintings:
Get help, report issues, showcase paintings, servers and learn about new updates:
Zetter & Zetter Gallery showcase:
Mod highlight (pre 0.19 version) by Juri TV
Available translations:
- American English (en_US 🇺🇸) ;
- Russian (ru_RU 🇷🇺) with the help from DrHesperus;
- Portuguese (pt_PT 🇵🇹, pt_BR 🇧🇷) thanks to StuarteLitro;
- Spanish (es_ES 🇪🇸, es_AR 🇦🇷, es_HN 🇭🇳, es_MX 🇲🇽, es_PE 🇵🇪 and others) thanks to iSrNinja;
- German (de_DE 🇩🇪) thanks to OttovonBismarckderErste;
- Chinese (zn_CN 🇨🇳) thanks to cream280;
- Polish (pl_PL 🇵🇱) thanks to Vakarian89;
- Hebrew (he_IL 🇮🇱) thanks to ItamarDenkberg;
Completed features:
1. Simultaneous canvas edit, dynamic picture updates for all players in range;
15. Export paintings to png files with `/zetter export` command
2. Dynamic canvas texture loading/unloading;
3. 18 types of frames from all vanilla types of wood, all of them can be decorated with golden nameplate which will show painting name by right-clicking it;
4. Golden frames have more decoration, iron bezel-less frames allow players to create huge seamless paintings by placing them one next to another;
5. Frames could be easily replaced, you can take your painting off the frame and use another;
6. Color code input fields (hex) and HSV sliders for color picking;
7. Color blending options, classic RGB, subtractive, and realistic;
8. Brush tool with smooth edges;
9. Edit up to 2x2 canvases on easel;
10. 16x16 paintings can be combined and placed on wall, resulting in up to 4x4 blocks paintings;
11. Eyedropper, hand and zoom tool for easy navigation;
12. Bucket tool;
13. Save your colors in palettes, recharge palettes with paints and use them on multiple canvases;
14. Hotkeys included;
Core values of this mod:
1. Encourage players to create own pixel artworks and use it in their creations;
2. Do not change vanilla gameplay in any way and try to be as much close to vanilla Minecraft feel as possible;
3. Drawing should be fun and simple;
4. Let power users to be power users as much as it doesn't overcomplicate UI;
5. Server administrators should be able to easily moderate player artworks and decide what is appropriate on their server;
6. Simultaneous canvas edit is super hard to implement properly, but I will because it's fun.
Planned features:
1. Special admin table to check all pictures;
2. Line tool;
3. Setting to use higher resolution of canvases for higher-resolution texture packs, up to 64px on one block.