Mod Zombie Horse Spawn by Serilum

  • Zombie Horse Spawn by Serilum

    🧟‍♂🐴 Allows zombie horses to spawn with a zombie riding it and other tweaks.
    • 47.54 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • October 5, 2019
    • September 20, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Zombie Horse Spawn
Mod Information
NameZombie Horse SpawnAuthorSerilumDescription🧟‍♂🐴 Allows zombie horses to spawn with a zombie riding it and other tweaks.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 47.54 KB
Updated at: September 20, 2023
Created at: October 5, 2019
Adventure and RPG

Requires the library mod Collective. 

   This mod is part of The Vanilla Experience.

Zombie Horse Spawn is a minimalistic mod which allows zombie horses to spawn with a zombie riding it. Whenever a zombie spawns, it has a chance to be spawned as a rider. You can configure it to only spawn on the surface and if it should burn in daylight.

You may also be interested in Giant Spawn or Skeleton Horse Spawn.

Configurable: ( how do I configure? )
chanceSurfaceZombieHasHorse (default = 0.05, min 0, max 1.0): The chance a zombie that has spawned on the surface is riding a horse.
shouldBurnZombieHorsesInDaylight (default = true): If enabled, burns zombie horses when daylight shines upon them.
onlySpawnZombieHorsesOnSurface (default = true): If enabled, a zombie horse with rider will only spawn on the surface.


You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the CurseForge ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.

Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!