Mod Zonko's Monsters by TheRealZonko

  • Zonko's Monsters by TheRealZonko

    Monsters from Darkwood and The Witcher
    • 4.80 MB
    • 1.12.2
    • July 8, 2021
    • August 19, 2022
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Zonko's Monsters
Mod Information
NameZonko's MonstersAuthorTheRealZonkoDescriptionMonsters from Darkwood and The Witcher
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 4.80 MB
Updated at: August 19, 2022
Created at: July 8, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

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What is Zonko's Monsters?


Zonko's Monsters is a creature mod that I made for my modpack Hunting Monsters: The Witcher Modpack.


This mod supports both 1.12.2 and 1.16.5.  I'm not going to be porting beyond these versions.


This mod adds 14 new terrifying mobs and 12 "anomalies" that will spook your day.  Anomalies act as new cave sounds but for other things such as going to bed.  I plan to add items for said mobs in the future, but currently they drop vanilla items.


If you want to add modded or custom items now, I highly recommend using either Lootweaker or (personally my favorite) Mobs Drop Your Way.  The latter is easier to use in the config and I use it a lot for modpacks



Note: The images were screenshotted in the Hunting Monsters modpack, since this is what the mod was made for.  So some of the land may look out of the ordinary.


Striga (Witcher Universe): A vengeful mob that gets faster and stronger the more it is damaged. Spawns everywhere and drops 1-2 Flint.


Lycanrow (Darkwood Universe): A mob with 1 health, but it summons 4 Lycanrow Offspring on death which inflicts Blindness.  Spawns in Taiga, Roofed Forest, and Swamps and drops nothing.


Lycanrow Offspring: Baby Lycanrows that spawn after the Lycanrow dies.  They are fast and inflict further blindness when attacking.  Drops up to one Egg.


Human Spider (Darkwood Universe): A large mutated spider with 3 heads.  When hit for the first time, it goes into rage mode and gains Speed III for a short period of time.  Spawns everywhere but uncommonly and drops Slimeballs, String, and Spider Eyes.


Botchling (Witcher Universe): A baby demon that has a small chance to transform whenever hurt, so bring a weapon that will instantly kill it in order to minimize this chance.  Spawns in Mountains, Swamps, Plains, Forests, and Birch Forests and drops up to one Feather.


Transformed Botchling: The bigger version of the Botchling after it transforms when hurt.  It is very fast and deals 6 damage on Normal.  Drops nothing.


Swamper (Darkwood Universe): A hulking reptilian abomination that climbs like a spider but can fit through smaller gaps.  When it grabs you, it inflicts Slowness X.  Spawns in Swamps, Roofed Forests, and Jungles.  Drops 1-3 Fish and up to one Skeleton Skull.


Housebane (My own creation): A stalker spirit that is immune to fire and drowning.  When a player hits it, it will try to teleport 1 block closer to the player, making it able to go through walls with traps in front of them.  Spawns in Plains, Deserts, and Tundras and drops 1-3 Charcoal and up to one Iron Ingot.





The Katakan is the most intelligent vampire and deals the most damage. Although it has less health than a Garkain, it is able to temporarily turn invisible when it finds that you are trying to predict its movements. When it gets close enough to you, it uses telepathy to inflict tunnel vision and give you additional blindness effects, making you only see the vampire.


Katakans hold the schematics to designing a prosthetic arm cannon.


The Ekimmara is an average vampire with the lowest damage output. It hit and runs and regenerates slowly when hurt as well, but its first attack, if not interrupted, is inflicted with Strength II. After it strikes or fails to strike with its strength ability, it summons multiple bats and runs off, gaining Resistance II for 20 seconds. While it has Resistance, it cannot gain Strength.


The Garkain is a huge vampire with an ugly appearance. It does not run away and uses sonic noises to disorient their enemies. When it does this, it glows to scare off smaller prey. It also inflicts nausea due to its terrible smell.


The Fleder is small in size, but has the strongest regeneration ability. It hits and runs and regenerates slowly when hurt, but when it begins the hunt it gains Absorption III for the next 13 seconds. Killing it fast will be the best choice, because it can get to full health easily if given enough time.


Nekks are short, hostile pack creatures that tag team to kill their prey.  The ones with red faces, the Nekk Warriors, are pack leaders and have a chance to drop a Nekk Warrior Skull.


Chompers are cold-blooded cursed humans who have an insatiable hunger and shrunk brain.  They are highly aggressive, especially if woken from their slumber.

Armored Arachas

Armored Arachase are giant insectoid class mobs that have some of the most durable armor.  They are able to sprint in short bursts and inflict poison.  When a mob is killed by an Armored Arachase, it sheds a shell fragment.  Arachase and Nekks hate each other.


Basilisks are unspeakable horrors that drive farmers crazy at night using psychological warfare.  They are able to blind and wither entire regions temporarily while outside houses and stretch their vocal cords to mimic traumatic events.


Monster Meat: A large slab of weird edible meat

Stone of Appetence: A stone that once used, drains the player of all hunger, but grants 10 hearts for a very, very short while to get that last boost of adrenaline in.  Once used, it gives the Curse of Appetence effect, making you unable to use it or other related items for 3 minutes (Those items haven't been made yet).

Discerning Tablet: A tablet made with a Botchling heart that is consumable.  It will reveal nearby enemy locations once used.

Arm cannon: A prosthetic arm cannon that can be fired every minute using TNT.  It has a minor impact on soft blocks and can deal a devastating 24-36 damage.  But before it can be made, its schematics must be found.

Fangblade: A sword made by vampire fangs and other items.  When you crouch, you will gain Regeneration and Slowness temporarily.  This ability refreshes every 20 seconds

Maw Cleaver: A cleaver made by a Chomper Jaw.  If dual wielding two of them, once hit you will gain speed temporarily.

Arachas Armor: A set of armor that has the most armor toughness in the game, but has iron-level armor levels.

Bulblights: Colored lights made with Garkain Bulbs.


Hunting Effect

Be careful when making noise at night, you may have a very, very slim chance of becoming tracked by a Katakan.

Villagers at night have a 1% chance to transform into a Fleder or Ekimmara when killed while Vindicators have a 1% chance to transform into a Garkain or Katakan.


Rule of Thumb:

-Do not redistribute this mod to other sites such as 9Minecraft

-Do not plagiarize content from this mod

-Do not try to sell this mod

-This mod is allowed in all modpacks since its a Curseforge mod!




My other projects

Comfortable Nether mod

Hunting Monsters Additions

Betterswim: The Herobrine Prank

Pickle Rick and Friends