Recipe Stages by Jaredlll08Allows for Crafting table recipes to be locked behind stages.1824238449.42 KB1.20.1October 24, 2017August 3, 2023CraftTweaker
Jabba by profmobiusJabba (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is focused on providing an affordable mass storage block.18239449434.73 KB1.7.10January 30, 2014May 22, 2016Storage
Dark Paintings by DarkhaxDevAdds new paintings to Minecraft1823524237.00 KB1.20.1April 20, 2020August 20, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMap and Information
ElecCore by Elec332Shared code for Forge mods18179387676.21 KB1.14.4January 29, 2015July 7, 2020API and LibraryDimensionsTechnology
Initial Inventory by Jaredlll08Allows you to set an Initial Inventory for a player using ZenScript1810948828.92 KB1.20.1November 4, 2016August 16, 2023CraftTweaker
Macaw's Furniture by sketch_macawDecorate your world with wardrobes, drawers, chairs, desks, tables and more...!181047301.65 MB1.20.1January 22, 2020September 3, 2023CosmeticStorage
Mystical World by NoobanidusAdds some nice features to make your world feel more alive!180427714.52 MB1.16.5December 3, 2017February 18, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMobsWorld Gen
Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] by FuzsWhy's it called Puzzles you ask? That's the puzzle!17962620885.79 KB1.18.2June 19, 2021August 15, 2023API and Library
TiC Tooltips by squeek502Adds stats to the tooltips of Tinkers' Construct tool parts1793013250.78 KB1.7.10March 25, 2014July 10, 2015Map and InformationTinker's Construct
EnderTanks by ShetiPhianPublic, Personal, and Team EnderTanks and EnderBuckets17862838260.66 KB1.20.2June 21, 2013September 25, 2023Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
Advanced Rocketry by zmaster587Mod that adds buildable Rockets and planets to the game178411605.82 MB1.12.2September 29, 2015July 29, 2023Adventure and RPGDimensionsPlayer TransportTechnology
Chickens by setyczChickens mod adds... chickens. Lots of chickens!17807477241.55 KB1.12.2February 17, 2016March 26, 2018Adventure and RPGFarmingGeneticsMagicMobs
Twerk Sim 2K16 by FunwayguyWork it, twerk it, grow that wood!1775511493.43 KB1.12.2September 22, 2016January 12, 2019Miscellaneous
AbyssalCraft by ShinoowExplore the world of the dead, along with Dark arts and Lovecraftian horrors. Surpass the boundaries of sanity!1771701213.59 MB1.12.2March 12, 2013August 13, 2021Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMagicMobs
Yoyos by jozufozuChildren's toy based weaponry17618026251.00 KB1.14.4March 12, 2017November 10, 2019AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportTinker's Construct
OMLib by KeridosLibrary for Open Modular * Mods17609858210.43 KB1.12.2November 29, 2016September 18, 2021API and LibraryTechnology
Silent Gear by SilentChaos512Upgradeable tools, weapons, and armor. Custom materials system!175849692.59 MB1.20.1June 29, 2018September 2, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Extreme sound muffler (Forge) by LeoBeliikForget about those nasty sounds! - Clientside sound muffler.17555639258.38 KB1.20.2February 18, 2020September 23, 2023Utility & QoL
Absent by Design by LothrazarAdds new Fences, Walls, Stairs and Slabs based on existing blocks; No textures added [FORGE]175524181.13 MB1.20.1October 28, 2018June 29, 2023Cosmetic
Forgiving Void by BlayTheNinthMakes the void hate you a little less (and vice-versa). Fall down and come back out on top.1754964667.78 KB1.20.2June 29, 2017September 26, 2023Miscellaneous
LibVulpes by zmaster587Common Library required for my mods17496565526.66 KB1.12.2September 29, 2015May 21, 2022API and Library
Deep Resonance by McJtyDeep Resonance is a power generation mod for Minecraft17393268795.09 KB1.20.1July 31, 2015September 10, 2023EnergyOres and ResourcesThermal Expansion
Buzzier Bees by TeamAbnormalsA mod that improves the content in Buzzy Bees.17387432514.11 KB1.19.2December 21, 2019August 1, 2022FoodMobsOres and Resources
GooglyEyes by ohaiiChunGoogly eyes with googly physics for every Vanilla Minecraft mob!1729008427.30 KB1.16.5October 14, 2016May 23, 2021Cosmetic
Morph by ohaiiChun“Acquire” and turn into most living mobs by killing them including other players, silverfish, other mods, and more!172152851.22 MB1.16.5March 31, 2015February 14, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticMobsPlayer Transport
Useful Backpacks by HyCraftHDNeed more slots? Try these backpacks17200828181.34 KB1.20.1August 12, 2017September 27, 2023CosmeticStorage
Tinkers' Mechworks by mDiyoTinkers' Mechworks is a mod that adds various redstone machines.17176994309.76 KB1.16.5April 13, 2014June 25, 2021Ores and ResourcesRedstoneTechnology
FTB Ranks (Forge) by FTBAdds ranking system that lets you give certain players permissions, username formatting, etc.1707306977.76 KB1.19.2February 18, 2019June 18, 2023Map and InformationServer Utility
Xtones by TehNutThe "official" successor to Ztones17044606445.37 KB1.12.2January 20, 2017March 21, 2021Cosmetic
VeinMiner by PortablejimVeinMiner17009436125.67 KB1.12.2October 12, 2013February 4, 2018Miscellaneous
More Chickens by GenDeathrowChickens Add-On that adds modded chickens16939292219.87 KB1.12.2October 4, 2016March 26, 2018AddonsMobsOres and ResourcesTinker's Construct
Pipez by henkelmaxSimple and efficient pipes16884986401.49 KB1.20.2February 6, 2021September 23, 2023EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportRedstoneStorage
Project Red - Fabrication by MrTJPRedstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Fabrication module for Project Red.168817021.81 MB1.12.2May 3, 2015July 20, 2019RedstoneTechnology
LetsEncryptCraft by CloudyPSPA mod to allow you to utilize resources which utilise a Let's Encrypt certificate168518636.92 KB1.12.2June 29, 2018February 2, 2019API and LibraryMiscellaneous
LibrarianLib by wiresegalAn extensive collection of tools, utilities, and frameworks.1681524338.83 MB1.12.2October 28, 2016October 11, 2021API and Library
Quality Tools by TmtravlrAdds random 'qualities' to tools, affecting their attack damage, dig speed, armor protection, etc.1678164281.59 KB1.12.2April 8, 2017June 29, 2019Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Fabric Language Kotlin by modmuss50Fabric language module for Kotlin167519896.41 MB1.20.2December 11, 2018August 23, 2023API and Library
Atum 2: Return to the Sands by ShadowAdds an entirely new Egyptian-themed dimension to Minecraft.167093944.38 MB1.16.5June 21, 2013September 14, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsDimensionsStructures
Glassential by LykrastVarious types of glass to aid in your building.1668976441.58 KB1.19.2April 10, 2019July 26, 2022Cosmetic
LibraryEx by LogicTechCorpA library for mods that add expansions, explorations, and experiences to Minecraft.16646001133.04 KB1.15.2July 24, 2018July 1, 2021API and LibraryBiomesDimensionsStructures
BetterNether by QuiqueckImprovements for the Nether (plants, biomes, structures, worldgen)1656237822.06 MB1.20.1January 14, 2019July 21, 2023BiomesCosmeticStructuresWorld Gen
Lithium (Fabric) by jellysquid3_An optimization mod for Minecraft which improves server performance significantly16553298672.31 KB1.20.2January 28, 2020September 23, 2023MiscellaneousServer Utility
Powah! by owmiiGenerators, Solar panels, Energy Cells, Cables, Reactors, wireless energy ... and more!165213221.14 MB1.16.5November 25, 2019March 8, 2021EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportTechnology
Chocolate Fix by AlcatrazEscapeeFixes vanilla bugs - mostly to do with custom world generation - which have a much larger impact on modded.1651387922.51 KB1.16.5October 29, 2020January 12, 2021API and LibraryBiomesMiscellaneous
Refined Storage: Requestify by Buuz135Keep you refined storage stocked with crafteable items1649428060.69 KB1.16.5November 27, 2018July 6, 2023AddonsProcessingTechnology
Sit by bl4ckscor3Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs.1644948312.78 KB1.20.1September 24, 2017June 11, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic
GunpowderLib by JackyA support library for Jackyy's mods.1640184319.83 KB1.20.1December 31, 2019June 7, 2023API and Library
Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft by hancinAllows minecraft to run in fullscreen windowed mode1631982817.96 KB1.12.2January 31, 2015July 25, 2017Cosmetic
Improved Backpacks by DreenDexTwitchCool Backpacks that can be improved with iron, gold, etc. [New] Baubles Integration!163117962.19 MB1.16.5June 22, 2017March 22, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Blue Skies by ModdingLegacyBlue Skies is survival mod that adds aspects like dimensions, dungeons and more in a light and dark scenario.1630653579.67 MB1.20.1February 1, 2019September 22, 2023Adventure and RPGBiomesDimensionsMobsOres and Resources