Electroblob's Wizardry by ElectroblobThe expandable RPG magic mod with over 180 unique spells!1493630610.43 MB1.12.2April 19, 2017June 29, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicStructures
FramedBlocks by XFactHDFancy building blocks149038343.65 MB1.20.1January 30, 2021September 28, 2023Cosmetic
Hatchery by GenDeathrowBe a real life chicken farmer. Hatching, Breeding, and More!14867070659.05 KB1.12.2September 17, 2016May 24, 2019CosmeticEnergyFarmingFood
Integrated Terminals by kroeserTerminals for managing and overviewing Integrated Dynamics networks14861676509.67 KB1.20.1June 13, 2018August 28, 2023AddonsEnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorageTechnology
Not Enough Animations by tr7zwBringing first-person animations to the third-person14859967401.16 KB1.20.2January 5, 2021September 21, 2023CosmeticMap and Information
Croptopia by thethonk[Fabric/Forge] Adds over 250 new foods, 58 crops and 26 trees to your world!146791912.84 MB1.20.1October 25, 2020July 10, 2023FarmingFood
Gauges and Switches by wilechaoteAdds buttons, levers, plates, timers, detectors, sensors, gauges and lamps. Configurable and wirelessly linkable.14661842883.10 KB1.16.5June 24, 2018May 27, 2023CosmeticRedstoneTechnology
FallingTree (Forge&Fabric) by rakambdaBreak down your trees by only cutting one piece of it14607701410.86 KB1.20.2October 27, 2019September 22, 2023FarmingMiscellaneousOres and Resources
Grappling Hook Mod by yyonneA mod which adds grappling hooks14589423522.44 KB1.20.1December 18, 2015July 14, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Super Circuit Maker by amadornesEver wanted to build custom logic gates and complex circuits? Now you can!14585837550.68 KB1.18.2August 10, 2016May 27, 2022API and LibraryRedstoneTechnology
The Conjurer by ModdingLegacyA mod that expands the Illager family by adding a new Magician illager called The Conjurer.145490255.14 MB1.19.4April 22, 2020September 1, 2023MobsStructures
Mob Stages by DarkhaxDevThis mod hooks in to the GameStage API, and allows mob spawning to be gated behind custom progression.1448845324.07 KB1.12.2September 19, 2017December 3, 2018CraftTweakerMobsServer Utility
Hopper Ducts by FyberOpticAdds ducts, which connect to hoppers and send items in any direction, including upwards.1439235944.54 KB1.12.2January 10, 2014July 22, 2017Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) by tr7zwRender the player skin layer in 3d!14349594437.46 KB1.20.2August 28, 2021September 24, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Totemic by ljfa2A mod with a focus on Totems, music and nature143319871.02 MB1.12.2October 31, 2015August 22, 2023Magic
Item Stages by DarkhaxDevAllows items to be restricted to a stage.1430720829.56 KB1.18.2October 21, 2017July 22, 2023API and LibraryAdventure and RPGCraftTweakerServer Utility
Tomb Many Graves 2 by M4thG33kA grave mod for the adventurer on the go!14306146119.63 KB1.13.2March 14, 2017February 17, 2019Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Rough Tweaks by Lellson8Small changes to make the minecraft health system a bit more difficult1424666925.27 KB1.12.2October 1, 2016June 15, 2018Miscellaneous
Thermal Locomotion by TeamCoFHThe Rails Module of the Thermal Series!14237855233.28 KB1.19.2September 8, 2020September 19, 2023TechnologyThermal Expansion
Dank Storage by tfarecnimBig storage in little blocks14232382189.00 KB1.19.3August 15, 2019July 12, 2023StorageTechnology
Witchery by _ForgeUser11995118Witchcraft and nature magic with a bit of voodoo and necromancy too142161356.69 MB1.7.10November 27, 2013April 15, 2015Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs
Connectivity[Forge/Fabric] by someaddonFix Login timeouts, Packet sizes errors, Payloads errors, ghostblocks and more.14204597141.91 KB1.20.2April 12, 2021September 28, 2023Map and InformationPlayer TransportServer Utility
Farseek by delvrA Scala API for Minecraft mods.14188894465.39 KB1.12.2April 20, 2015October 26, 2020API and Library
Integrated Crafting by kroeserCraft stuff in Integrated Dynamics networks14188268277.49 KB1.20.1February 13, 2018September 11, 2023AddonsProcessingTechnology
NetherOres by skyboy026Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium.1418662377.84 KB1.7.10October 4, 2013January 16, 2017MobsOres and Resources
Familiar Fauna by ForstrideNew creatures to enhance atmosphere and exploration!14177892372.51 KB1.12.2March 2, 2018December 5, 2018Mobs
EnhancedVisuals by CreativeMDFeel the pain!141675104.51 MB1.20.1December 18, 2016June 22, 2023Miscellaneous
Portality by Buuz135Thinking through portals14138731409.65 KB1.16.5April 3, 2018June 18, 2022Technology
Ex Nihilo: Creatio by BloodWorkXGamingIn Creatio Ex Nihilo.14107450931.81 KB1.12.2August 14, 2017October 26, 2019Adventure and RPGTechnology
Better Third Person by SocolioImproves third-person camera view.1409824660.08 KB1.20.2January 9, 2021June 18, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmetic
Ender Utilities by masadyMiscellaneous utility items and blocks, many are inventory or storage related.140868131.65 MB1.12.2September 15, 2014June 9, 2020Armor, Tools, and WeaponsStorageTechnology
Tinker's JEI by possible_triangleAdds a JEI Tab to look at material stats from TConstruct1408317211.97 KB1.12.2April 8, 2018April 18, 2019Armor, Tools, and WeaponsMap and InformationTinker's Construct
RandomTweaks by TheRandomLabsA bunch of miscellaneous, vanilla-compatible tweaks for Minecraft, such as player head drops, sound system reloading and a time of day overlay.14076147281.72 KB1.12.2January 28, 2017February 14, 2021CosmeticMap and InformationMiscellaneousServer UtilityWorld Gen
Mystcraft by XCompWizWritable Dimensions140670092.24 MB1.12.2September 30, 2014May 15, 2020DimensionsPlayer TransportServer Utility
ExpandAbility by florensieLibrary mod that provides increased control over vanilla effects and abilities1405616479.81 KB1.20.1April 2, 2021July 7, 2023API and Library
copygirl's Wearable Backpacks by HeckinChloeMinecraft mod which adds beautiful, balanced backpacks14050266404.24 KB1.12.2January 20, 2017October 1, 2019Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticStorage
Pollution of the Realms by EnderLankyAdds environmental pollution mechanics to the game.14037565606.15 KB1.20.1June 16, 2017September 23, 2023EnergyProcessingTechnology
Surge by DarkhaxDevAn open source performance enhancement mod.140323751018.18 KB1.12.2August 26, 2016March 29, 2020CosmeticMap and InformationServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Armor Toughness Bar by tfarecnimSmall mod that adds a toughness bar1400913912.49 KB1.19.3February 10, 2019January 15, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Performant by someaddonLag begone! Increases Performance, less entity lag less rubberbanding, more players on the server13980308228.69 KB1.16.5December 8, 2019May 31, 2023Server Utility
Dimension Stages by DarkhaxDevAllows access to dimensions to be restricted based on stages.1392244412.53 KB1.19.2June 8, 2017March 25, 2023CraftTweakerDimensionsMap and InformationServer Utility
BiomeTweaker by supercklUsed to tweak properties of, add, and remove biomes.13895010248.15 KB1.19.2March 26, 2015May 28, 2023BiomesMap and InformationMobsServer UtilityStructures
Mekanism Additions by bradyaidancAdditions module for Mekanism, contains things that don't quite fit in the other modules.138933321.06 MB1.19.2October 4, 2019July 14, 2023AddonsCosmetic
Streams by delvrThis mod introduces real flowing rivers, with a true current, to your Minecraft worlds. Compatible with many terrain generators!13870296263.37 KB1.12.2April 23, 2015November 11, 2020Biomes
Triumph by bloodnbonesgamingAchievement Get!13780978358.83 KB1.12.2August 29, 2015November 10, 2019Adventure and RPGMap and Information
FastCraft by sfPlayer1A powerful universal optimization mod without game play changes.13717572179.18 KB1.7.10March 9, 2016January 19, 2018Miscellaneous
KubeJS Immersive Engineering by LatvianModderKubeJS Immersive Engineering integration1371273252.34 KB1.19.2November 22, 2020July 17, 2023KubeJS
Champions by TheIllusiveC4Creates elite mobs of different rarities, with enhanced stats and extra abilities.13711208247.68 KB1.18.2November 17, 2018January 3, 2023Adventure and RPG
Better Than Bunnies (Forge) by ohaiiChunWhat could be better except some real fancy dapper bunnies?1367562425.27 KB1.20.1January 22, 2016June 30, 2023Cosmetic
The Spice of Life by squeek502Encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns13673834202.82 KB1.12.2May 27, 2014June 11, 2018Food