Workshops of Doom by CommobleA forge mod that adds additional illager-themed structures2461587570.13 KB1.20.1December 7, 2020July 28, 2023Structures
M.R.U by itsmineblock11Mineblock's Repeated Utilities2452846122.47 KB1.20.1September 5, 2022June 20, 2023API and Library
Impaled 🔱 by doctor4tA mod that adds new Tridents, Sincere Loyalty (Loyalty IV) and a few tweaks and fixes to all tridents.2444471260.02 KB1.19.2May 4, 2021June 8, 2022Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Caves & Cliffs Backport (Additions) by jukittitaFor the amazing mod, there is more vanilla content24418473.45 MB1.16.5October 8, 2021October 10, 2022AddonsCosmeticMCreatorOres and Resources
Campanion by wyn_priceA camping mod adding all kind of utilities related to the outdoors.2427330825.65 KB1.19.2April 4, 2020November 26, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFood
Emotecraft (Fabric) by KosmXEmotes in minecraft2427312788.03 KB1.16.5July 25, 2020July 8, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticUtility & QoL
End: Reborn by elecatronSome additions to the End2427090373.74 KB1.16.5January 27, 2018May 3, 2021Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobsStructures
Blue Flame Burning by LobsterJonnMakes soul fire burn entities with a blue flame instead of regular flames242700725.99 KB1.20.1August 6, 2022June 8, 2023CosmeticUtility & QoL
REI Plugin Compatibilities (REIPC) by shedanielSupport for JEI plugins for REI2412343447.80 KB1.19.3August 28, 2021August 31, 2023API and LibraryMap and Information
Icarus by CammieAdds a bunch of colourful and unique wings that can be worn in the Trinkets Cape slot.2400116174.50 KB1.20.1December 14, 2020June 13, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagicPlayer Transport
Ingredient Extension API by Jaredlll08An API providing the framework and necessary patches for creating custom Ingredient implementations.239937814.56 KB1.18.2December 16, 2021December 4, 2022API and Library
Probably Chests by ArcanePigeonBiome chests now spawn all over the world and in caves filled with loot, but watch out, some chests are actually mimics.2383246498.30 KB1.18.2March 28, 2022October 16, 2022MobsStorageStructuresUtility & QoLWorld Gen
Dynamic Asset Generator by lukebemishLibrary mod for dynamically generating assets at runtime.2381274319.31 KB1.20.1February 7, 2022July 28, 2023API and Library
Harvest with ease by Crystal_Spider_Don't break crops, right click them!2374604457.91 KB1.20.1March 30, 2022July 4, 2023FarmingFoodUtility & QoL
Harvest by NaxanriaHarvest with right click23694216.27 KB1.18.1December 22, 2019December 10, 2021FarmingFood
Zen Summoning by TeamDmanAllows for custom mob summoning with CraftTweaker236872857.73 KB1.18.2December 29, 2018June 30, 2022CraftTweaker
Damage Tilt by Charles445Tilts camera in the direction of damage. Restored 1.2.5 feature.23619109.40 KB1.19.3October 7, 2020August 15, 2022Cosmetic
Incubation by TeamAbnormalsAdds chicken nests and makes eggs more useful.2361887446.46 KB1.19.2February 7, 2020July 29, 2022CosmeticFoodOres and ResourcesStorage
Elenai Dodge 2 by ElenaiDevA finely polished Dodge mechanic integrated into Vanilla Minecraft!2359794279.04 KB1.19.2February 3, 2021April 28, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicPlayer Transport
Obscuria's Essentials by ObscuriaOfficialMain mod for Obscuria Collection mods23560752.14 MB1.18.2October 13, 2021May 29, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicTechnology
Good Night's Sleep by ModdingLegacyYour dreams are new worlds for you to explore.23546266.02 MB1.16.5July 13, 2013August 29, 2023Adventure and RPGDimensionsFoodMobsOres and Resources
Atlas Lib by smileycorpA library for shared code between minecraft mods.2345130113.20 KB1.20.1April 1, 2021July 16, 2023API and Library
Tinker's Planner by tiffit_Fully plan a Tinkers' Construct tool before making it!2331717119.02 KB1.18.2August 23, 2021January 1, 2023Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTinker's Construct
Connectible Chains [FORGE] by lilypureeConnect your fences with a decorative chain!2330237202.42 KB1.19.2November 8, 2020August 2, 2023Cosmetic
Auudio [Fabric] by KeksuccinoLibrary mod to easily play background sound in menus and worlds.232565339.40 KB1.20.2April 15, 2022June 11, 2023API and Library
Chubby Stuff! [Fabric] by YoWabbitAdding chubby vanilla mobs, blocks, and more into Minecraft!2318676384.25 KB1.19.2April 18, 2022October 24, 2022BiomesMobs
Shulker's Faithful Factories (Previously Cobbler) by britishnickkAdds new mechanics and structures to make more resources farmable using Vanilla redstone mechanics2317847169.56 KB1.16.5May 1, 2020December 5, 2020RedstoneStructuresWorld Gen
Replanter by AreuthreateningmeA client side mod that allows users to instantly replant crops by right clicking on them while holding seeds.2317162227.74 KB1.20.1May 10, 2021July 29, 2023Farming
Easy Piglins by henkelmaxNever get annoyed by bartering anymore!2316432181.76 KB1.20.2November 12, 2020September 21, 2023CosmeticFarmingRedstoneServer Utility
Model Gap Fix by MehVahdJukaarFixes small gaps in item and block models231272944.12 KB1.20.2September 13, 2022June 23, 2023API and LibraryCosmeticUtility & QoL
Modern Industrialization by thetechnici4nModern Industrialization is a standalone tech mod, where the ultimate objective is total automation.23039546.94 MB1.19.2August 30, 2020September 4, 2023Energy, Fluid, and Item TransportProcessingTechnology
MedievalWeapons by Globox_ZOld but gold weapons2299342743.27 KB1.20.1October 5, 2020August 20, 2023Armor, Tools, and Weapons
EdivadLib by 3divad99Just a common library for all my mods228832914.22 KB1.20.1June 30, 2022August 21, 2023Technology
Better Golems by bagu_chan500Make your Iron Golems better and stronger!2287595198.75 KB1.20.2January 2, 2019September 26, 2023CosmeticMobs
WMITAF by ShaksterNanoWhat Mod Is This Actually From? Shows what mod adds the enchantment on enchanted books and what mod adds the status effect of potions.227751983.04 KB1.19.3November 15, 2021February 23, 2023Map and InformationUtility & QoL
Integrated Dungeons and Structures by CraisinLordIntegrated Dungeons and Structures (aka IDAS) is a mod that adds heavily detailed structures using blocks and mobs from Quark, Biomes O’ Plenty, Alex’s Mobs, and Create.22755087.17 MB1.19.2April 3, 2022July 9, 2023Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsStructuresWorld Gen
Dramatic Doors by FizzWare3-block high doors, in every vanilla variety! End enderman discrimination!227290710.46 MB1.20.2May 3, 2020September 23, 2023CosmeticRedstone
Bedspreads (Fabric) by TheIllusiveC4Allows players to add banner patterns to their beds!2265223121.53 KB1.19.2August 6, 2020August 9, 2022Cosmetic
Dead Guys Untitled Deep Dark (No longer supported) by deadguydevThe Deep Dark Biome in Minecraft226270822.65 MB1.16.5May 5, 2021January 16, 2022BiomesDimensionsMCreatorMobsOres and Resources
It Shall Not Tick (ISNT) by Gaz_A performance mod focused on reducing the performance impact of ticking entities226145747.56 KB1.18.2April 30, 2022August 24, 2022MobsServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Beacon Overhaul by HeckinChloeIntroduces a tier system and better effect scaling for beacons2256021361.86 KB1.20.1December 22, 2020August 21, 2023Adventure and RPGMagicTechnology
Better Fps - Render Distance[Fabric] by someaddonBetter fps for 1.16+ minecraft, improved render distances225311719.94 KB1.20.1February 23, 2022August 16, 2023CosmeticMiscellaneous
Nether Portal Spread by Serilum🔮 Spreads (nether) blocks to the overworld around nether portals in a configurable radius.224566374.20 KB1.20.2September 18, 2019September 21, 2023Adventure and RPGCosmeticOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk? by shedanielthis mod is for very smart people who need a mod to know if they can mine a block.224180020.55 KB1.20.1August 8, 2020June 16, 2023Cosmetic
Undead Expansion by Fredzik2Want scary monsters and custom spawners? You've come to the right place!2239765659.71 KB1.18.2July 24, 2021August 24, 2022Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMCreatorMagicMobs
Better Ping Display [Fabric] by QuintinityDisplays ping in milliseconds in the player list in a configurable way223041715.85 KB1.20.1September 4, 2020June 16, 2023CosmeticMap and InformationUtility & QoL
JAMD by UnRealDinnerboneJust Another Mining Dimension222590862.45 KB1.20.1November 27, 2020September 28, 2023Ores and ResourcesWorld Gen
Applied Cooking by ItsSebastrnA mod that allows Applied Energistics 2 and Cooking for Blockheads to work together!2220302100.58 KB1.20.1October 18, 2022August 15, 2023AddonsApplied Energistics 2FoodStorageUtility & QoL
Orcinus's Caves by orcinus73This mod basically adds better cave generation221980099.76 KB1.16.5June 9, 2021August 23, 2021Ores and ResourcesWorld Gen