Minecraft server 11th Dream
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4408 | 11th Dream | ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4408 |
Title | 11th Dream |
Version | |
Server IP | |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | The 11th Dream About Us Our server was because we saw that most Pixelmon servers out there aren't too good. Either they're to laggy or you have to donate to really do anything. We're not like that we make everything available to you regular players. While we do accept donations they are balanced and none are OP. We have a lag free server as well! What Can You Do On The Server? On our server it's not about what I can do it's about how long you can play on our amazing server before you parents yell at you to get off( Our record is 5 hours!). You can become a Pokemon hunter and capture Pokemon for others for a profit. Or you can be a Pokeball maker and create the best Pokeballs for others. OR you can become an epic trainer and defeat the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four and become the Champion! We have Gym Leaders as we'll as Elite Four although we still need a few Gym Leaders. We have plugins that prevent greifing so you can build in complete peace of mind. Tournaments We offer tournaments where different players can battle each other for prizes such as fossils or even shiny Pokemon. This happens about 2 times every month. It is an amazing time and we hope you participate in it! Note you may crash the first time joining our server this is normal simply rejoin and everything should work just fine if not try rejoining a couple of times! |