Minecraft server IllumiNation
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
3967 | IllumiNation | illumination-mc.com ![]() | Factions Mini Games Skyblock Survival Vanilla | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 3967 |
Title | IllumiNation |
Version | |
Server IP | illumination-mc.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Factions Mini Games Skyblock Survival Vanilla |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Welcome to Illumi-Nation- A 1.7.2 Multi-World server with the following realms: Vanilla, Mini-Games, RPG, Factions, Skyblock, Creative and Prison! *** Vanilla has all commands disabled except /warp (To switch between game types) Making it a genuine vanilla experience. *** Factions rewards all players play-time automatically with ranks- Higher ranks get special powers such as the power to capture mobs, silk-touch mob-spawners, and even create personalized pets! Each rank also has it's own unique /kit. Fight players and collect their heads as a trophy! Sell and buy items with our interactive NPC shops. *** Mini-games has PVP type games, skill based games such as spleef and archery, BlockHunt and many more! Winners are awarded with in game cash they can use in any realm that supports cash. *** RPG has MCMMO and RPG Items, as well as Quests for a genuine RPG experience- Get huge sums of cash as a final reward for quests that can be used in any world that supports cash. *** Skyblock realm has many challenges to complete for fun, rewards such as cash, trophies and of course- Bragging rights! *** Creative realm is secured with PlotMe- where no one but you can build in your plot, so don't worry about griefers! Make a fantastic build and we will even buy it from you for in game cash that can be used in any realm that supports cash. *** Prison is self-regulated with NPC's- Rank-up in the prison by completing the NPC quests- (Collect ores, kill players, etc) and once you complete the game- Receive an in game cash reward, as well as a spot on our "Prisoner Escape" - Wall-Of-Fame! Our main plugin list- Essentials, Multi-Verse, Factions, Autorank, Citizens, EchoPet, SilkSpawners, War, BlockHunt, Skyblock, PlotMe, Votifier, WorldGuard, Enjin |