Minecraft server Capture The Flag
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4166 | Capture The Flag | us.mcctf.com ![]() | Mini Games PvP | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4166 |
Title | Capture The Flag |
Version | 1.19 |
Server IP | us.mcctf.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Mini Games PvP |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Your goal is to capture the enemy’s flag. The enemy’s flag will be on a fence post in or near their base. Break into the enemy’s base and steal their flag. You must now return to your own base and place the enemy’s flag on your team’s fence post. You will not be able capture an enemy’s flag if your own flag is missing. Once you have captured the enemy’s flag the required number of times, you win! Before each match, there is a one minute waiting period for new players to join. During this waiting period you cannot choose a class or obtain any items, and you are invincible (you can’t die). Feel free to explore the map to get a feel for what you'll be playing on. When the game starts, you’ll be randomly assigned a team and teleported to your team’s starting position near your base. Type /help to see a list of classes, and type in the command for the class you choose. You can be: /archer, /assassin, /chemist, /dwarf, /heavy, /medic, /necro, /ninja, /pyro, /soldier, and /mage You can play in US.MCCTF.COM or EU.MCCTF.COM Note: It says "0/0 players" but the server is online and you can play on it! |