Minecraft server The Old Server
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
2393 | The Old Server | mc.notoriousdev.com ![]() | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 2393 |
Title | The Old Server |
Version | |
Server IP | mc.notoriousdev.com |
Status | Offline |
Tags | |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | We are a small server with friendly, helpful staff. We have a tight, dedicated community and we want players who will be just as dedicated. If you want a friendly community with dedicated staff, look no further. We are as vanilla as you can be while still being able to protect ourselves, so there are no complicated plugins for players to learn. Just join and start playing as if it were a single player world. The plugins we do have are optional and it is entirely possible to play without using them (if you want to be griefed). We have many anti-grief plugins, such as Prism (like Logblock), GriefPrevention, LWC and our own custom plugin, which is currently being worked on.. All players are randomly checked to make sure they're not hacking, so if you play on our server, you will have the most griefer-free experience possible Admins: TheReverend403 aggresivo0810 Moderators: BranicYeti Red7394 GunfighterJ |