Minecraft server Hypergonix Network
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4414 | Hypergonix Network | play.hypergonix.net ![]() | Creative Economy Factions Survival Towny | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4414 |
Title | Hypergonix Network |
Version | |
Server IP | play.hypergonix.net |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Creative Economy Factions Survival Towny |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Started in March, 2014 we have grown to be an amazing custom server with new players joining everyday who stay and play. We have an amazing community who are willing to assist you at any cost, and our staff would die to help you with any concerns, or help you need on the server! From all the heaps of experiences we have learned from our mistakes and made the server better day by day! With all the great donations from the community, and the knowledge of Java by our Owner we have become the most custom server with 99% of our plugins either being custom or an optimized version of a plugin that is already out there! -- Just to brag we're the most custom towny server out there. And to give you a perspective on how custom and how many features we have i'll just tell you that each server runs 120+ plugins (yeah that's a lot, and our custom Spigot jar helps us not lag!) |