Minecraft server McWars
Rank | Name | Server | Tags | Players | Status |
4424 | McWars | mc-wars.org ![]() | Mini Games | 0/0 | offline |
Server Information
Rank | 4424 |
Title | McWars |
Version | |
Server IP | mc-wars.org |
Status | Offline |
Tags | Mini Games |
Banner | ![]() |
Players | 0/0 |
Server Description | Join McWars, a great Minecraft server with a friendly community and amazing staff! Choose between 4 different game modes to play on McWars, or you can just hang around in the lobby and talk to friends: McWars Classic - Play McWars Classic, a Mini-Game where you have 10 minutes to build a fortress and protect your monument, or the gold blocks. During the next phase, called the War Phase, you go to war with the other team, and see which team can break the other team's monument (or gold blocks) the fastest! The first one to utterly destroy the other team's monument wins! McWars Adventure - Play McWars Adventure, a challenging server with parkour maps and other Minecraft challenges! McWars Survival - Play McWars Survival, a Factions PvP server with McMMO! (Currently open to VIP Members with 10K points or higher) The Box - Beta test The Box, a Mini-Game currently under development but sometimes open to the public for beta testing! Come on down and join McWars, what are you waiting for? IP: mc-wars.org Website: mc-wars.org I do not own McWars, neither am I responsible for anything associated with McWars, including but not limited to McWars Classic, McWars Adventure, McWars Survival, or The Box. All credit goes to jjssman. |